Access Hole Design [STG]
Modeling and Analysis of Access Holes in Tub Girders
Access holes may be required depending on specific project needs. When incorporating access holes into the design and analysis of tub girders, the following considerations should be addressed:
Localized Stress Concentrations
Access holes introduce significant stress concentrations in localized areas. To accurately capture these effects, generate Finite Element Models (FEM) with a more refined mesh for the specific access hole regions.Simplified Global Models
To maintain the simplicity and efficiency of the global model, create a separate model tailored specifically for the access hole using the Steel Tub Girder Workflow. This workflow accommodates the unique characteristics of access holes, allowing the refined analysis to focus on localized regions without complicating the overall global model.
This two-model approach ensures the global model remains efficient while the detailed model addresses the critical stress concentrations caused by access holes effectively.
For comprehensive instructions on using Access Hole objects, refer to the relevant section in the documentation.