Start Station [ft]:
End Station [ft]:
Clear distance from top flange to longitudinal Stiffeners:
Left Web Stiffeners Side:
Right Web Stiffeners Side:
Material:Specify the girder on which the transverse stiffener will be generated.
Left Web Stiffener Side [Both/Right/Left]: When looking upstation along the PGL, the left web of the selected girder can have the stiffener generated on the left side, the right side, or both sides of the web. This parameter specifies the side of the stiffener on the left web at the given station of the selected girder.
Right Web Stiffener Side [Both/Right/Left]: Similar to the left web, this parameter defines the side (both, right, or left) on which the stiffener will be placed for the right web.
Left Web Long. Stiff. Data: The stiffener located at the left web of the girder can be further defined by using the option “Edit...”.
Start Station: Specify the start station along the PGL of the longitudinal stiffener.
Clear Vert. Dist. from Top Flange to Long. Stiff. (Start Station): The distance measured from the bottom of the top flange to the stiffener.
End Station: Specify the end station of the longitudinal stiffener.
Clear Vert. Dist. from Top Flange to Long. Stiff. (End Station): The distance measured from the bottom of the top flange to the stiffener at the end station.
Right Web Long. Stiff. Data: The stiffener located at the right web of the girder can be further defined by using the option “Edit...”.
Start Station: Specify the start station along the PGL of the longitudinal stiffener.
Clear Vert. Dist. from Top Flange to Long. Stiff. (Start Station): The distance measured from the bottom of the top flange to the stiffener.
End Station: Specify the end station of the longitudinal stiffener.
Clear Vert. Dist. from Top Flange to Long. Stiff. (End Station): The distance measured from the bottom of the top flange to the stiffener at the end station.
Material: This parameter assigns a material to the stiffener. The material can either be imported or selected from previously defined materials.
Stiffener thickness [in]:Stiffener width [in]:Thickness: The thickness, along the Z-axis, of the stiffener can be specified using this parameter.
Stiffener Width: The width of the stiffener, along the transverse direction, can be adjusted using this parameter.