Stiffeners [STG]
Stiffeners in OpenBrIM do not have a finite element model (FEM); however, they can be modeled to enhance the 3D representation and used for design and code checks. However, the weight loads of these elements can be applied to the structure if the related definitions are made.
If the weight loads of these elements need to be applied to the bridge model, several parameters are available in the spreadsheet under Construction → Superstructure Construction → Girder Erection (Partial) / Girder/Cross-Frame Erection (Complete). By setting the relevant parameters to 'Include' or 'Ignore,' the weight loads of the modeled connection elements can either be applied or excluded.
The parameters available for such definitions are:
In both spreadsheets, Girder/Cross-Frame Erection (Complete) and Girder Erection (Partial):
Splice Load [Include/Ignore]
Stiffener/Gusset Plate Load [Include/Ignore]
Three types of stiffeners can be modeled for Steel Tub Girder Bridges:
For a detailed description of these objects, please refer to the object documentation.