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OpenBrIM Release 3.230904
Nested Subfolders: Introducing the ability to create nested subfolders directly from the new project screen. Now you can structure your projects with multiple levels of subfolders, making project management more intuitive and efficient.
Project Name: We've implemented a project name uniqueness check within the respective folders.
Midas Export: This update addresses the reported issues related to Springs and boundary condition data in Midas exports.
Maximum Rebar Stress: You can utilize the section editor menu to visualize the maximum rebar stress under a given axial force and moment.
OpenBrIM Release 3.230919
RSA: Improved the user interface for response spectrum. RSA analysis results are now displayed separately when executed during the construction stage.
Max Tensile Rebar Stress: Resolved a convergence issue that occurred when computing the maximum tensile rebar stress under specific axial force and moment conditions, particularly when the moment value approached zero.
Save/Load Filter Criteria: Users now have the capability to save and load their filter criteria for FEA results. Even when the spreadsheet undergoes changes, filter settings remain intact, ensuring that users encounter the same filter configuration when they revisit the same spreadsheet.
Input Validation: To address the issue of the project appearing empty and the 3D geometry not displaying upon the project's initial opening due to invalid inputs, we have implemented a solution. Now, we attempt to compile the project and create a 3D view when users first open it, even if input validation is unsuccessful.
Workspace administrators can now access all snapshots without requiring specific project access.
Export Enhancements: Midas/Larsa 4D export bug fixes
OpenBrIM Release 3.230929
Doc View: The Documents View now also displays reports from compiled projects. This gives users the option to view certain reports that do not require finite element analysis results, such as quantity reports and input reports, without having to run the design.
Spreadsheet Read-only Parameter: Spreadsheets can now display a read-only parameter, with its initial use case being the referencing of objects inherently designated as read-only.
Time graphs: The Docgraph Paramml object now offers support for time graphs.
Spreadsheet Cell Action: The "Set to Current Selection" spreadsheet cell action will only be active when there is at least one selected object. It has been enhanced with a type check to ensure the correct object selection for the chosen parameter and prevent any errors.
Introducing an Edit Cell Action for all spreadsheets to allow modification of selected multi-cells.
Section Editor: The "Edit Properties" feature for tendon and rebar layout didn't properly update the Section Editor view. To view the updated parameter, it was necessary to reopen the editor. Additionally, the update to the tendon layout user interface changes "Strand Count" to "Strands per Tendon."
Design Button: When the confirmation dialog for design is closed by clicking the X button in the top right corner, the design button remains disabled. This issue has been fixed.
Delete Project: Deleted projects are automatically removed from the project list, without necessitating a webpage refresh from the user.
Animation For Mode Shapes: Introduces an option to either animate or not animate the modal shape, rather than animating it by default.
Section Editor Undo: The section editor now responds to Ctrl+Z for undo actions.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231010
Stage Treeview: The ability to open the stage tree view, which shows the order of stages and activities at each stage, can now be accessed from the workflow tree.
DGN Export: The CAD container offsets were not exported to the DGN file, but this issue has now been fixed.
Copy-pasting from the clipboard: A bug fix has been introduced for the following case: when copying and pasting from the clipboard, referencing object parameters are computed for each parameter of the object, resulting in duplicate objects within the referencing objects.
Import Section View: The ability to visualize sections in the import screen. Bug fix for scroll.
ParamML New Functionality: Introduces an automated method for generating station-dependent sections, which can reduce the complexity of PARAMML code.
Opacity Reset All: The opacity reset all functionality has been introduced to return the user to the project's original, unmodified settings after the user overrides the opacity for individual objects.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231012
Data Export: Introducing the capability to export scatter graph data to Excel and copy data to the clipboard. This new feature proves useful for exporting interaction diagram points in code check reports.
ParamML: Option to create a femesh with bidirectional felines. This new feature empowers library object authors to utilize femesh with two-directional felines.
Duplicate section: Bug fix for the duplicate section cell action: It now accurately duplicates parameters and rebar line layouts.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231015
UI Freeze: Introduced enhancements to improve the user experience with large projects to reduce the occurrence of UI freezes during frequent data saving.
We have introduced a timer setting UI to allow users to determine save and compile frequencies. Users can utilize the clock icon below to modify the settings.
The default save timer value has been adjusted from 2 seconds to 10 seconds, and the compile timer delay is now set to 5 seconds.
The project's save status can now be monitored from the menu bar, in addition to receiving notifications. A cloud icon indicates that there is no unsaved data, while a spinner icon signifies the presence of unsaved data, and users are advised not to close the browser.
After the user completes actions such as adding or deleting objects or modifying parameters, and avoids introducing these types of actions for a specified period (save timer), the project stabilizes in a steady state, at which point saving can occur. However, due to these actions, saving might not occur for an extended period. Additionally, a new feature has been introduced to ensure data loss prevention by automatically saving the project every two minutes, even when frequent timer resets occur due to various actions.
ParamML: The FEmesh object can now gather input data for element end releases to generate mesh output with end releases.
Circular Rebar: Support for the number of rebars and for the number of rebars per row has been deprecated in the rebar circular layout UI to simplify input complexity.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231018
Compilation Issue on Chrome Version 117-118: This OpenBrIM version fixes a problem that is displayed as an 'unknown operator' issue on users' screens when compiling projects with Chrome versions 117 and 118. We believe this issue is something that Chromium needs to address, but we have come up with a solution so that we don't have to wait for the next Chrome release.
ParamML: Introduced a function(getSecPtCoordsFromVaryingSecList) that provides the point coordinates for both solid and cut-out shapes based on the station from varying section list
Firewall: When real-time communication to is turned off due to firewall settings, the real-time communication link fails. OpenBrIM will now turn off live communication and proceed by displaying the following warning message, instead of staying on the login screen: 'Changes won't transfer to other users collaborating on the same project instantly, but all changes will still be saved in the cloud.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231103
Google Cloud: The autoscaling settings for Google Cloud have been adjusted to enhance their alignment with user request patterns.
Default Values for New Bridge Component Instances: When defining new result extraction cases, the default value was set to auto-generated wind load result extraction cases, as our approach involved using the last object defined by the user for new instances. However, this proved to be unhelpful for users, as they had to manually remove these cases from the list. Therefore, starting from now, auto-generated cases will no longer be considered as default values for the next instance.
Section Editor: Improvements have been implemented for the section editor, addressing issues related to undo/redo functionality, section movement, snap orthogonal behavior, and ensuring that the '3 dot' button is consistently drawn on top of the shapes within the section. The circular rebar line layout parameters have been updated to support half circles. An 'Unlock Movement' button has been introduced to prevent unintended section movements, and a 'Snap Ortho' button has also been added.
Composite Section: The section shape material assignment and section material assignment processes have been improved to reduce the likelihood of errors for users. As a result, users will now receive more warning messages, and the composite section's read-only parameters will be displayed in the spreadsheet.
LandXML Alignment Import: Bentley ORD output export for the Land XML file contained unnecessary or incorrect spaces and newline characters. We have updated our file reading method to handle these characters and remove them from the file first, addressing the issue caused by Bentley's Land XML output.
Live Load Vehicle Positions: The issue of the critical LL vehicle position not being displayed when the FEA spreadsheet is first opened has been fixed, and the problem of retrieving incorrect rows for LL vehicle positions when the filter is applied to the spreadsheet has also been resolved.
Flexural Capacity/Max Tensile Rebar Stress/Interaction Diagram/Moment Curvature Tools: Improves handling of a geometric scenario where two shapes sharing an edge have the same material.
Tendon Load Computation: Locating finite elements for tendon loads did not function correctly in some edge cases. Therefore, it has been enhanced to address this issue, along with adjustments made to tendon load calculations.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231108
Design: This enhancement streamlines the design iteration process. When your project data is updated, it invalidates your previous analysis and design results. However, we have introduced several options to facilitate easy access to your old data:
Show Previous FEA and Design Results: This option allows you to view the FEA (Finite Element Analysis) results and design checks that were previously extracted.
Use Previous FEA Results And Rerun Design: Choose this option when your previously extracted FEA results are still valid, and you want to rerun design checks based on the changes you've made to the design inputs.
Extract FEA Results And Rerun Design: Select this option when you've made changes that affect the previously extracted FEA results and design checks, necessitating a fresh analysis and design run.
FEA Overrides: The analysis engine will now apply an FEA override only when it results in an actual change to a parameter value. This change helps eliminate unnecessary override or load distribution stage generation.
IFC Export: Addresses a unit conversion problem when exporting IFC files to Revit
Enhancements to Object Naming for Generative Objects: Previously, the naming process prevented users from generating more than one bridge within a single OpenBrIM project.
Section Editor: Introduces offset and snap features for easier placement of rebar line layouts or tendons on shapes with sloping edges
Section Analysis: Introduce cache max limit for section analysis and strip computation to solve memory related crash.
ParamML: New capability to override z coordinates with values specific to each station for mesh.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231114
Spreadsheet: In certain instances, the "Set to Obj" cell action was triggered when we gathered a list, leading users to utilize it for the lists.
Rendering: Inputting specific latitude values resulted in rendering problems for WEBGL.
Section Editor: The section editor's tendon layout menu now shows stress and total area information whenever the user inputs parameters, providing insights into how strand count, strand type, and force value affect these values.
Voronoi: The Voronoi algorithm has been enhanced to address certain edge cases.
ParamML: Capability to override object parameters for FEMeshRegion.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231210
Faster FEComposite Live Load Result Extraction: Introduced a cache for live load coefficients in fecomposite, significantly improving efficiency when extracting results using different vehicles for the same live load coefficients. This enhancement has reduced the result extraction time for a load rating model with 17 live load cases by 15 times, from 15 minutes to just 1 minute.
Eigenvalue Sparse Solver:
We have detected an issue that occurs during eigenvalue analysis when the sparse solver is used to extract more than 10 modes. This problem was most noticeable in the result spreadsheet, where visibility of modes beyond the 10th was impaired.
To better inform users, we have improved our warning messages, providing a clearer indication of this problem. In the past, results were still produced despite the issue, leading to users receiving outputs from the solver that lacked meaningful data.
A new approach has been implemented to address this challenge. When the solver initially encounters a failure, it now undergoes additional iterative trials. These trials involve modifying the tolerance and iteration settings to facilitate better convergence and more accurate results.
DXF Import: Introduced the capability to import DXF files as CAD objects.
Voronoi: Enhanced issue detection in Voronoi diagrams through the implementation of a total area ratio calculation method. The algorithm allows for a 4% error tolerance in total area and iterates over five variations of rounding digits to achieve convergence.
Tendon: Enhanced the tendon element finding algorithm for better boundary management. The spreadsheet now displays changes in tendon angle.
Tendon Layout - New Angle Parameter: Introduced an angle parameter for tendon layout to evaluate the horizontal and vertical force of the tendon for code check purposes.
Flexural Capacity Tools Update: Removed initial tendon strain settings. The system now automatically assigns these settings based on whether the tendon layout is bonded or unbonded.
Snapshot Saving Update: Resolved an issue where users could override the current state of the project by changing parameters in an old snapshot if they had the necessary permissions.
Section Editor:
Introduced a new parameters spreadsheet and center coordinates UI. This feature enables horizontal movement of tendons.
Enhanced functionality with the introduction of actions for Ctrl+Z (undo) and Ctrl+Y (redo).
Fixed a bug where selecting a rebar line layout without a rebar profile caused issues.
Resolved a problem that created a single point for the shape during the undo action.
Print Functionality Enhancements: Improvements made to the print features.
3D Operation Bug Fixes: Resolved bugs related to hide/isolate/show all/hide 3D operations.
Open Project View: Projects can now be sorted in the open project screen based on the last modified date and name.
Design Report Update:
Resolved a critical issue in the evaluation process for displaying the DC ratio. Previously, expressions like
iif(V_u .GT. 0.5phi_v(V_c + V_p) .OR. (T_u .GT. torsionLimit),1,0)
were incorrectly split into left and right segments during evaluation, leading to errors. This code segment has been updated to activate correctly only when utilized as a design criterion.Implemented fixes for unit conversion and rounding issues, specifically for array types in the design report.
Addressed a specific case where the
statement incorrectly displayed NaN, ensuring accurate and reliable output in the design reports.
Lib Object Update: Corrected an oversight where inherited objects were ignored during updates to the latest version.
FEMesh: The object count limit for FEMesh has been increased by tenfold.
FEComposite Stress: Now consistently uses the same baseE for all computations. Applies the envelope and min/max values for the stress diagram.
CAD Dimensions - New Axis Parameter: Introduced an axis parameter in CADDDimension Line to display x and y distance values.
ParamML - New Functions
Added a ParamML function (
) that returns shape coordinates for a given section input.Added a function (named
) that calculates the effective web width according to the AASHTO definition (
ParamML - Guard Logic Improvement: Addressed a long-standing issue with guard usage, spanning over five years. The previous approach erroneously identified only one guarded parameter to trigger an error. The logic has been updated to trigger an error when no parameters are found or when all parameters are guarded.
ParamML - Merge Nearest: The MergeNearest parameter can now be set to depend on the station. The system first checks for station dependency; if the parameter is dependent on the station, the node's local x-coordinate is used in the context. Previously, only point parameters were considered station-dependent; now, parameters of shapes and sections are also taken into account. Additionally, a more performance-efficient method for section offset has been introduced.
ParamML - New Cell Actions:
to facilitate the collection of 2D points from CAD.Added
CustomCellActions="['CADRectDraw']" CADArgs="['Width','Depth']"
to gather width, depth, and center point data of a rectangle from CAD.
When a section is used to create a new section through special methods like FromLinearVariation or StationDepSectionData, the original section is now removed.
Added TendonLayout and RebarLineLayout to the object types in the FEA compiler and enhanced the evaluation of parameters for all objects in the section.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231220
Performance Enhancement : Station-dependent parameters are now processed more quickly. In some projects, this has reduced compilation time from 70 seconds to 10 seconds.
Performance Enhancement in FEA Compilation: Significant improvements have been made to the FEA Assign End Sections. By filtering used sections first, the new code has dramatically increased efficiency. For instance, in a model with 1000 sections and 27,000 felines, the compilation time has been reduced from 30 seconds to just 5 seconds.
Flexural Capacity: The flexural capacity tool now better handles both unbonded and bonded tendons. Summing strains prior to using the 'getStress' function on the curve might not yield consistent results. Therefore, computing tendon stress by retrieving stress from the curve twice(with two different strains) is a more effective approach.
Spreadsheet Cell Action - Pick Object: The window pick feature has been enabled for improved user interaction. Users can now drop picked objects, enhancing functionality. Additionally, an option to retain previously selected objects has been introduced. We have also addressed and resolved the issue of objects being picked twice for a smoother experience.
Spreadsheet-Filter : Use GetViewValue instead of GetEditValue in order to ensure that spreadsheet view values are used for filter.
LARSA Export: Bug fix in tendon export.
Ability to share library objects with other users for collaborative development.
Users can now delete their own library objects while conducting a search.
ParamML - New Parameter: The newly added 'isPreCompile=0' parameter allows for the selective prevention of object compilation, especially beneficial for code check (design run) objects. This feature helps in reducing memory usage and speeding up compilation times by avoiding unnecessary compilations when the object does not have 3D, CAD, or FEA functionalities.
ParamML - New Cell Actions:
CustomCellActions="['CadLineDraw ']"
to facilitate the collection of 2D points from CAD.Added
CustomCellActions="['CadCircleDraw ']" CADArgs="['Radius','Depth']"
to gather radius, and center point data of a circle from CAD.
OpenBrIM Release 3.240103
Google Map Tiles Integration:
Users can now utilize Google Map tiles as a background in their projects.
The Google Map background can be accessed under the '2D map' option located within the FEA (Finite Element Analysis) tab.
In upcoming workflow releases, the Google Map background will be integrated directly into the bridge workflows, eliminating the need to add it from the FEA tab.
For more information:
Section Editor
Introduces dimensions, rebar, and tendon information for sections. Use the 'Dimension' button to activate this view.
FEComposite Performance: We've implemented a performance update to streamline the process of viewing FEComposite results with filtered rows. Previously, the method involved extracting and filtering results from all positions, which was time-consuming. Now, the system directly calculates the filtered rows. This enhancement significantly speeds up the display of FEComposite results, particularly in live load scenarios with filters.
Library Load Performance: Initial loading of project library objects now boasts a 10x speed improvement.
Larsa 4D Export: Station-dependent sections at section change locations are now named differently (previously, they had different keys but the same name). We do not export empty groups to the LARSA anymore.spring groups are correctly assigned in the LARSA export.
Point Load: Improved handling of coincident nodes in certain edge cases when creating a rotation matrix from FESurface for point loads.
OpenBrIM Release 3.240119
Project Site UI: Extensive updates have been made to the project site UI. It is now possible to view alignment, project local origin, digital terrain model, and the 2D map area in the project site. Additionally, you can define the 2D map and project local origin within the project site UI.
State Plane Coordinate Systems: It is now possible to select a geographic coordinate system for the project from the parameters UI, as shown below. For each state's local coordinate system, there needs to be a library object. Please contact the support team if you don't see what you are looking for. Geographic coordinate systems are crucial when importing alignment data or a digital terrain model in LandXML format. Based on the project's GCS, x-y values are transformed into latitude and longitude.
Digital Terrain Model: The LandXML import feature for digital terrain models now accommodates larger files, thanks to a redesigned and enhanced data structure.
Java 17 Compatibility: This release includes comprehensive changes to our server-side infrastructure to seamlessly integrate with Java 17.
Project Name: This version introduces an illegal character check for project names. Changes the default new project name to include a timestamp. New project saving now occurs right after project opening, instead of waiting for the first save timer.
ParamML PunchingPerimeter Function: There are improvements to the 'punching perimeter' parameter function.
Measure Distance: A bug related to measuring distance has been fixed.
Fecomposite Forces: Exclude elements that are not present in the final requested stage. This is particularly important when deconstructed elements are part of the fecomposite group, and the center of gravity calculation is based on the definition rather than the active element in that stage.
OpenBrIM Release 3.240123
Updated messaging and enhanced 'confirm' & 'cancel' events for generative objects, providing users with clearer information.
Improved library release process: Objects tagged with 'deprecatedTransition' will no longer be eligible for version updates. This tag is applied to objects that are deprecated but not yet removed from workflows.
Introduced performance updates for vertical clearance checks.
OpenBrIM Release 3.240210
Performance: Project saving now occurs in a worker thread, reducing the UI freeze time.
DGN Export: The export functionality now addresses the maximum number of surfaces supported by MicroStation. We now divide our 3D representation into separate parts to overcome this limitation.
Alignment Editor: The alignment editor UI has been improved to better visualize the entered inputs.
Alignment PVI Support: Users can now enter PVI points in addition to PVC/PVT points when defining vertical profile.
RSA&Eigenvalue Analysis: The dense eigen solver is disabled for small ones, due to unexpected results. We now use the one solver for all models eigenvalue analysis.
Viewsite UI: It now supports x-y coordinate input in addition to latitude and longitude if a geographic coordinate system is assigned to the project.
Moment Curvature Curve: Moment curvature curves can now be idealized according to Caltrans seismic design criteria.
FEComposite Performance Update: FEComposite result extraction performance update for nested combinations.
New ParamML function argument for section properties: A new argument has been implemented that offers the option to exclude shapes from section property(like intertia)calculations. This is in response to an AASHTO requirement which mandates calculating inertia based solely on rebars/tendons, without considering the concrete portion.
Performance Update Spreadsheet: Performance improvement for copying and pasting data into spreadsheets for bulk editing scenarios, such as transferring information from Excel
Deprecated Lib Objects: Do not display deprecated library objects in TreeView if the deprecated object does not exist in the project.