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August 18th and September 6th 2023
Introduces the capability to specify 3D longitudinal parametric rebars #new
Transverse Stiffener [OBPTransverseStiffenerGirderTubPlate - OBPTransverseStiffenerGirderIPlate] [SIG - STG]
The 3D model of the transverse stiffener was not correctly created when the girder is selected as straight. #bugfix #3D
Longitudinal Stiffener [OBPLongitudinalStiffenerGirderIPlate] [SIG - STG]
The 3D model of the longitudinal stiffener was not correctly created when the girder is selected as straight. #bugfix #3D
Bottom Flange Stiffener [OBPBottomFlangeStiffenerGirderTubPlate] [STG]
The 3D model of the bottom flange stiffener was not correctly created when the girder is selected as straight. #bugfix #3D
The object now issues a warning message when certain inputs are missing. #improvement
Cross Frames [OBPBase_InternalCrossframe - OBPBase_Crossframe] [SIG-STG]
The 3D model of the cross frames was not correctly created when the girder is selected as straight. #bugfix #3D
Field Splice [OBPBoltedFieldSplice] [SIG-STG-CPIG]
The 3D model of the bolted field splice was not correctly created when the girder is selected as straight. #bugfix #3D
Tub Girder Bracing [OBPBase_BracingGirderTub] [STG]
The 3D model of the Tub Girder Bracing was not correctly created when the girder is selected as straight. #bugfix #3D
Tub Girder Diaphragm [OBPBase_Diaphragm] [STG]
The 3D model of the Tub Girder Diaphragm was not correctly created when the girder is selected as straight. #bugfix #3D
Introduces additional input to collect flange width #newinput
Continuity Diaphragm [OBPConnectionDiaphragmPrecastI ] [CPIG] #newobject
Introducing a continuity diaphragm object, which serves the purpose of ensuring the continuity of girders when a deck is poured between them.
Girder Erection [OBPGirderErection] [SIG-STG]
Introducing the longitudinal stiffener weight parameter, which is designed to automatically calculate and apply the load associated with its 3D geometry during the girder erection process.
Girder Construction Complete [OBPGirderConstructionCompleteGirderTub] [STG]
Introducing the longitudinal stiffener weight parameter, which is designed to automatically calculate and apply the load associated with its 3D geometry during the girder erection process.
Deck Casting [OBPDeckCasting] [SIG-STG-PIG]
The issue of double-counting haunch load in discontinuous girders has been resolved.
Results for each lane within the object are now calculated individually and enveloped. In the previous version, lane results were combined by summation.
Bearing Fixity Changes [OBPChangeSuperstructureConnection] #newobject
A new object has been added to override/change bearing fixities at each stage.
Pier Cap Code Check [OBPBase_PierCapCodeCheck] [SIG-STG-CPIG-CBG-CUG-CSIG]
The pier cap code check object now supports 3D-defined rebars in the pier cap. #new
In some cases, the Service Limit State Rebar stress check does not correctly compute the orientation of the section for negative bending. This issue is noticeable in the detailed report. Therefore, if you do not observe any problems in your detailed reports and the section orientations were accurate, there is no cause for concern. #bugfix #codecheck
Prestressed I Girder Code Check [OBPBase_PrestressedIGirderCodeCheck] [CPIG]
In some cases, the Service Limit State Rebar stress check does not correctly compute the orientation of the section for negative bending. This issue is noticeable in the detailed report. Therefore, if you do not observe any problems in your detailed reports and the section orientations were accurate, there is no cause for concern. #bugfix #codecheck
Spliced I Girder Code Check [OBPBase_SplicedGirderCodeCheck] [CSIG]
In some cases, the Service Limit State Rebar stress check does not correctly compute the orientation of the section for negative bending. This issue is noticeable in the detailed report. Therefore, if you do not observe any problems in your detailed reports and the section orientations were accurate, there is no cause for concern. #bugfix #codecheck
Pier Cap Code Check State Specification [OBPSubSummaryReport_PierCapCodeCheck] [SIG-STG-CPIG-CBG-CUG-CSIG]
The Summary Report now shows FDOT DC ratios in a separate table. #improvement
Drilled Shaft Code Check [OBPTemplate_PileCodeCheck] [SIG-STG-CPIG-CBG-CUG-CSIG] #newobject
A new code-check object has been introduced for performing code checks on drilled shafts.
Quantity Take Off Report [OBPQuantityTakeOff] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
introduced a Quantity Take-off Report to calculate costs and quantities for each bridge component.
Framing Plan CAD [OBPCADDFramingPlan] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
A new CAD object has been introduced for the 2D CAD representation of the framing
Bridge Cross Section CAD [OBPCADDBridgeCrossSection] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
A new CAD object has been introduced for the 2D CAD representation of the superstructure cross-section
Alignment CAD [OBPCADDAlignmentData] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
A new CAD object has been introduced for the 2D CAD representation of the alignment.
Substructure CAD [OBPCADDSubStructure] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
A new CAD object has been introduced for the 2D CAD representation of the substructures.
Plan and Elevation CAD [OBPCADDPlanAndElevation] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
A new CAD object has been introduced for the 2D CAD representation of the superstructure for plan and elevation view.
Continuity Diaphragm [OBPConnectionDiaphragmPrecastI] [CPIG] #newobject
The felines of continuity diaphragm have been incorporated into the definition of the girder FEComposite. Girder FEComposite now shows continuous moment diagram at the location of the continuity diaphragm.
Steel Tub Girder [OBPGirderSteelTubPlate] [STG]
Updated rigid line generation logic for bearing connections.
Element Load For Steel I Girder [OBPGirderLoadSteelI] [SIG] #newobject
Introduced a new load object for applying loads to bridge components such as flanges and girders automatically. Now, users don't need to specify the geometry for the load; they can quickly select the bridge component.
Element Load For Steel Tub Girder [OBPGirderLoadSteelTub] [STG] #newobject
Introduced a new load object for applying loads to bridge components such as flanges and girders automatically. Now, users don't need to specify the geometry for the load; they can quickly select the bridge component.
Element Load For Prestressed I Girder [OBPGirderLoadPrecastI [CPIG] #newobject
Introduced a new load object for applying loads to bridge components such as flanges and girders automatically. Now, users don't need to specify the geometry for the load; they can quickly select the bridge component.
Steel I Girder Code Check [OBPBase_SteelIGirderCodeCheck] [SIG]
Corrects a typo in the web thickness notation.
Steel Tub Girder Code Check [OBPBase_SteelTubGirderCodeCheck] [STG]
Corrects a typo in the web thickness notation.
Now, you can view stress computation details.
Updated shear computation and St. Venant torsional shear stress computation logic and transparently displays the logic to the user. #bugfix #codecheck
Updated navigation tree.
Pier Cap Code Check [OBPBase_PierCapCodeCheck] [SIG-STG-CPIG-CBG-CUG-CSIG]
Pier cap code checks can now incorporate tendons into the code check procedures. #new
Generative Objects
Generative Object For Hammer Head Pier [OBPGenPierHammerhead] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
Introduced a new generative object for quickly creating hammerhead piers.
Generative Object For Multi Column Piers [OBPGenBentMultiColumn ] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
Introduced a new generative object for quickly creating multi column piers.
Generative Object For Multi Straddle Bents [OBPGenBentStraddle ] [SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
Introduced a new generative object for quickly creating straddle bents.
Generative Object For Steel I Girder Bridge Superstructure [OBPGenBridgeLayoutSteelI] #newobject
Introduced a new generative object for quickly creating steel I Girder bridge superstructure.
Generative Object For Prestressed I Girder Bridge Superstructure [OBPGenBridgeLayoutPrecastI] [CPIG] #newobject
Introduced a new generative object for quickly creating Precast I Girder Bridge Superstructure.
Generative Object For Staged Construction Activities and Loading [OBPGenBridgeLayoutPrecastI - OBPGenConstructionAndLoadingSteelI] [SIG-CPIG] #newobject
Introduced a new generative object for quickly creating staged construction activities and loads for steel I girder and prestressed I girder bridges.
Generative Object For Steel I Girder Code Check [OBPGenCodeCheckSteelIGirder][SIG] #newobject
Introduced a new generative object for quickly creating code check for steel I girders at every tenth station.
Generative Object For Steel I Girder Code Check [OBPGenCodeCheckSteelIGirder][SIG-STG-CPIG] #newobject
Introduced a new generative object for quickly creating code check for pier caps(at bearing positions and column faces) and column(top and bottom).
Updated wind load moment computation #bugfix #loading
Code Check & Report Objects
Steel I Girder Code Check [OBPBase_SteelIGirderCodeCheck] [SIG]
Section properties for negative bending are now computed using the lumped rebar approach, even if the user selects the approach of using rebar at the real location, in order to standardize the internal code.
Section CADDs are now larger by default.
Corrected clear cover computation. #bugfix #codecheck
Steel I Girder Load Rating [Base_SteelIGirderLoadRating] [SIG]
Section properties for negative bending are now computed using the lumped rebar approach, even if the user selects the approach of using rebar at the real location, in order to standardize the internal code.
Corrected clear cover computation. #bugfix #codecheck
Cross Frame Code Check [OBPBase_CrossFrameCodeCheck] [SIG]
Improvements to detailed report