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Open the Model: Open the OpenBrIM APP to either initiate a new project or access a previously created model.


Set Up Checking Staged Construction Inputs:

Navigate to Construction Stage and define see each construction stage defined in the model. These stages typically encompass different phases such as foundational infrastructure, structural systems, flooring, exterior finishing, and more.


Identify the previous stage (Prior Stage) of each stage.Also,

create a timeline with the start and end dates for each stage. These dates should correspond to the actual construction orderThe prior stage for the first stage should be NULL.

For all other stages, ensure that the inputs for the prior stage are correct. The order of rows may not have functional significance for the software's prior stage parameter; however, having the correct order can make visualization easier. If you need to change the row order, use the 'Shift Rows Up/Down' or 'Move Rows' command after clicking on the name cell.

Ensure that the construction method is 'Equal' for the deck hardening stage, and for other stages, it should be 'None'

The Load Type holds significance in facilitating the extraction of forces from each stage. However, it does not impact the analysis results.

Ensure that all stages related to transient loads (such as wind, live load, temperature load, etc.) are branched from a permanent load stage, and that you do not proceed directly from that stage

Furthermore, you have the option to visualize the sequence of construction stages and their corresponding activities through a tree view.

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Checking Staged Construction Model: Start an analysis on OpenBrIM


Checking Staged Construction Model From FEA View: Click FEM View Settings to select the size of the FE objects and the support/local axis size by moving the slide bar


Visual Verification: Thoroughly review the model at each stage visually. Ensure that it accurately reflects the real construction sequence.


Within the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model, there are two viewing options are available.

The initial first option entails involves displaying your constructed structure up to the designated "tage stage you've chosen. “Display Constructured Only”.: 'Display Constructed Only.'

Conversely, the second option involves presenting the completed construction, irrespective of the chosen stage. “Display All Structure”: 'Display All Structure.'

Activate 'Display Constructed Only' and navigate through each stage to ensure that it accurately reflects the real construction sequence.


For a more comprehensive understanding of Finite Element Analysis (FEA), please visit the following link. Finite Element Model


Follow the below steps to confirm that all applied loads are correctly integrated into the structural analysis.Once the analysis is successfully completed, you can use the following steps to ensure that the FEA results effectively correspond to the analytical model you have introduced.


Payload Application Verification:
Ensure that the loads specified in the OpenBrIM App are accurately set to the appropriate values and stages. All the entered loads will be visible on the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tab. Once you have confirmed the accuracy of the loads and their respective stages, proceed by clicking the "Analysis" button..


Visualization of Applied Loads:

Navigate to the FEA tab. On the lower left-hand side, you'll find boxes that allow for selections. Select for the "Loading" tab from the combobox.


Upon choosing various Construction Stages, will be observed the applied of "Surface Load", "Line Load" and "Point Load" to the designated elements.


Verification of Applied Load Values:

Follow these steps to visually inspect the loads displayed in the spreadsheet and verify their consideration:

Navigate to the FEA Tab.
Access the "Nodal Loads" spreadsheet from the tree view and lock it.
For improved search convenience, proceed to the "Node" column and apply a filter to the "DECKN26" node.

At this juncture, you can observe all the loads associated with the specified node.

After confirming the accuracy of the stages, their corresponding loads, and their respective sequences, proceed by clicking the "Analysis" button.

Step 1: Viewing Deformed Model

At this stage, ensure that the analysis has been successfully completed and that you have obtained the analysis results. Follow the below steps to explore techniques to visualize the deformation of the model under applied loads, aiding in understanding structural behavior.
