Explore the process of exporting a 3D model by hovering over and clicking on your preferred 3D file format from the options below:
Drawio sketch |
mVer | 2 |
zoom | 1 |
simple | 0 |
zoominComment | 10 |
inCommentcustContentId | 02236350812 |
pageId | 2231533569 |
custContentIdlbox | 22363508121 |
diagramDisplayName | code checks draft | lbox | 1 |
contentVer | 7 |
revision | 8 |
baseUrl | https://openbrim.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | code checks draft |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 869 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 263 |
Export 2D Drawings
Drawio sketch |
mVer | 2 |
simple | 0 |
zoom | 1 | simple | 0 |
inComment | 0 | custContentId | 2236350812 |
pageId | 2231533569 |
lboxcustContentId | 12236350812 |
diagramDisplayName | code checks draft |
lbox | 1 |
contentVer | 78 |
revision | 89 |
baseUrl | https://openbrim.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | code checks draft |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 869614 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 26366 |
Export FEA Model
Drawio sketch |
mVer | 2 |
simple | 0 |
zoom | 1 | simple | 0 |
inComment | 0 | custContentId | 2236350812 |
pageId | 2231533569 |
lboxcustContentId | 12236350812 |
diagramDisplayName | code checks draft |
lbox | 1 |
contentVer | 79 |
revision | 810 |
baseUrl | https://openbrim.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | code checks draft |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 869 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 263 |
Import FEA Model
Drawio sketch |
mVer | 2 |
simple | 0 |
zoom | 1 | simple | 0 |
inComment | 0 | custContentId | 2236350812 |
pageId | 2231533569 |
lboxcustContentId | 12236350812 |
diagramDisplayName | code checks draft |
lbox | 1 |
contentVer | 79 |
revision | 810 |
baseUrl | https://openbrim.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | code checks draft |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 869 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 263 |