1 | In the summary report, the code checks for the employed girder, code check station, limit state , additional provisions (Appendix A6, Appendix B6) (if any), and state specifications (if any) are presented along with the corresponding design check parameters (D/C ratio, Pass/Fail State). | |
2 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report. |
Internal Cross-Frame Code Check Report
1 | In the summary report form, the resultant code check values for each chord of the cross frame are presented. Additionally, the summary report format includes gusset plate bolted connection checks. | |
2 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon (marked in red), as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes axial force member checks. | |
3 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon (marked in blue) will open a separate report specifically for bolted gusset plate checks. |
Field Splice Code Check Report
1 | In the summary report, the code check parameters for the corresponding splices are presented for splice plates and bolts, considering the D/C ratio. These parameters specifically address the strength and service limit states. | |
2 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report. |
Pier Cap Code Check Report
1 | In the summary report, pier cap code checks are conducted using two a design templates, namely for AASHTO (marked in red) and state specifications (marked in blue). The report presents the results of these code checks for the pier cap design. | |
2 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon (marked in red), as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes pier cap code checks for flexure, shear, torsion, fatigue and reinforcement limits. | |
3 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon (marked in blue), as illustrated in the previous step, will display state-specific checks in the detailed report. | |
Pier Column Code Check Report
1 | In the summary report, the pier column code check presents the results of code checks as either D/C ratios or in Pass/Fail form, accordingly. | |
2 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes pier column code checks for axial force-moment interaction, axial compression, shear, torsion, and reinforcement limits. |
Pier Footing Code Check Report
1 | The summary report for pier footing code check includes D/C values and Pass/Fail status for flexure, one-way shear, two-way shear, and reinforcement limits. | |
2 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes pier footing code checks. |
Pile Capacity Code Check Report
1 | The summary report for pile capacity code check reports the maximum D/C value against the specified pile capacity. | |
2 | Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes the most critical results, as well as all the results from different limit states. |