An FELine object is used to model beams, columns, and other structural elements that connect two Node objects. To create an FELine object, two Node objects and a Section object are required. The beta parameter represents the angle of rotation of the section around the Z-axis and is expressed in radians.
Example Syntax:
Code Block |
<O T="FELine">
</O> |
Code Block |
| <O N="FELineObject1" T="Project" Category="FEM Objects" TransAlignRule="Right">
<!-- created by ParamML Examples on 06.02.2023 -->
<O N="AnalyticalLine1" T="FELine" Type="@Beam" Node1="@No1|Node" Node2="@No2|Node" Section="@ColSec1|Section" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" />
<O N="AnalyticalLine2" T="FELine" Type="@Beam" Node1="@No3|Node" Node2="@No4|Node" Section="@ColSec2|Section" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" />
<O N="GP1" T="Group" Y="0">
<O N="No1" T="Node" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O N="No2" T="Node" X="0" Y="0" Z="height" />
<O N="GP2" T="Group" Y="0">
<O N="No3" T="Node" X="0" Y="100" Z="0" />
<O N="No4" T="Node" X="0" Y="100" Z="height" />
<P N="height" V="60" />
<P N="width" V="10" />
<P N="depth" V="20" />
<P N="th" V="2" D="Wall thickness of the tube" />
<O N="Li1" T="Line" Y="0">
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="height" />
<O N="ColSec1" T="Section">
<P N="Material" V="C20/25" T="Material" />
<O T="Shape">
<O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" />
<O N="Li2" T="Line" Y="100">
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="height" />
<O N="ColSec2" T="Section">
<P N="Material" V="C20/25" T="Material" />
<O T="Shape">
<O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" />
</O> |
Image Added |
To view this example in the library, see ( |
Code Block |
| <O N="FELineObject2" T="Project" Category="FEM Objects" TransAlignRule="Right">
<!-- created by ParamML Examples on 06.02.2023 -->
<O N="Frame" T="Repeat" S="0" E="4" I="1" CTRL="j" j="0">
<O N="Geometry" T="Group">
<P N="h_col" V="50" D="column height" />
<P N="b_col" V="1" D="column width" />
<P N="d_col" V="1" D="column depth" />
<P N="b_bm" V="1" D="beam width" />
<P N="d_bm" V="1" D="beam depth" />
<P N="s_col" V="15" D="column spacing" />
<O N="Column3D" T="Line">
<O T="Point" X="j* s_col" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="j* s_col" Y="0" Z="h_col" />
<O N="ColSec1" T="Section">
<O T="Point" Y="d_col/2" X="b_col/2" />
<O T="Point" Y="d_col/2" X="-b_col/2" />
<O T="Point" Y="-d_col/2" X="-b_col/2" />
<O T="Point" Y="-d_col/2" X="b_col/2" />
<O N="Beam" T="Line">
<O T="Point" X="(j-1) * s_col" Y="0" Z="h_col" />
<O T="Point" X="j * s_col" Y="0" Z="h_col" />
<O N="BeamSec1" T="Section">
<O T="Point" X="b_bm/2" Y="d_bm/2" />
<O T="Point" X="b_bm/2" Y="-d_bm/2" />
<O T="Point" X="-b_bm/2" Y="-d_bm/2" />
<O T="Point" X="-b_bm/2" Y="d_bm/2" />
<O N="NodeBottom" T="Node" X="j* s_col">
<P N="Tx" V="-1" />
<P N="Ty" V="-1" />
<P N="Tz" V="-1" />
<P N="Rx" V="-1" />
<P N="Ry" V="-1" />
<P N="Rz" V="-1" />
<O N="NodeTop" T="Node" X="j* s_col" Z="h_col" />
<O N="L1" T="FELine" Y="100">
<P N="Node1" V="NodeBottom" T="Node" />
<P N="Node2" V="NodeTop" T="Node" />
<P N="Section" V="ColSec1" T="Section" />
<P N="Beta" V="0" />
<O N="LB" T="FELine">
<P N="Guard" V="j .GT. 0" />
<P N="Node1" V="Frame[j-1].NodeTop" T="Node" />
<P N="Node2" V="Frame[j].NodeTop" T="Node" />
<P N="Section" V="BeamSec1" T="Section" />
<P N="Beta" V="0" />
</O> |
Image Added |
To view this example in the library, see ( |