Pouring Stage (Weight Only):The pouring stage of the concrete diaphragm should be specified using this parameter. Previously defined construction stages must be selected; however, one important detail to consider is that the pouring stage, where the loads of the concrete diaphragm will be applied, must occur at or after the girder erection stage. Defining the pouring stage prior to girder erection may lead to inaccurate FEA results.
Hardening Stage (Gains Stiffness): The hardening stage of the concrete diaphragm is when the finite element model of the diaphragm is generated and considered for FEA. A stage from the previously defined construction stages can be chosen.
Concrete Diaphragms: Specify the concrete diaphragms to be constructed.
Self-Weight Factor: Define the self-weight factor to account for the weight of the diaphragm in the analysis. This factor adjusts the load calculations based on the actual weight of the concrete diaphragm.
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