After clicking on ‘Loading> Loads> Wind Load> Wind Load on Structure> WS AASHTO' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Wind Load on Structure. You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter.
1 | 🖱️ Click three-dots icon on Stage cell and select a Construction Stage as WSStage. | |
2 | 🖱️ Keep the Span Height Variation as default. | |
3 | 🖱️ Click three-dots icon on Structural Objects and Pressure Parameters cell and Edit. | |
4 | 🖱️ Click three-dots on the cell of the Applied Elements and pick the element BR2. | |
5 | 🖱️ Click the three-dots icon on the Wind Direction cell, and then set Left to Right. | |
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