Insertion Point: Pick or Select an insertion point to define the location of the single element.
Girder: Select the girder to be supported.
Flange [Top Left/Top Right]: This parameter specifies the flange as either Top Left or Top Right. The terms "right" and "left" indicate directions when looking up-station along the PGL.
Station: Specify the station location where the temporary support will be generated between the insertion point and the selected girder flange.
Vertical Offset (from top): Define the top boundary of the temporary support using this parameter, which specifies its top location.
Section: Assign a section to the support with this parameter. Sections can either be imported or selected from previously defined options.
Girder End Release
Tx [kip/in]:
Ty [kip/in]:
Tz [kip/in]:
Rx [kip-in/rad]:
Ry [kip-in/rad]:
Rz [kip-in/rad]:
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