AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite enables user to export the finite model of the building to CSI Etabs software and import back the analysis results of gravity loads and lateral loads easily.
You must previously installed the EtabsLink Plugin. See CSI ETABS for further information.
Creating Finite Element Model
Before creating the finite element model we must generate the segments of shear walls
Go to Analysis → CSI Etabs → Wall Segment Definitions
Click Generate Wall Segments
Go to AEC|BOLT → Global FE Model → Mesh Settings
Enter mesh refinement in X&Y as 150
Click Generate Grid Mesh
Go to Global FE Model
Set Run Mesh? as True
Update the project
Here is global finite model of the building;
Creating Etabs Model
Open Etabs
Open an empty project
Go to → Tools → AECBOLT Link
Click YES to the warning shown above
A pop up window of AEC | BOLT Building Platform will open
Log in with your AEC | BOLT BIM Cloud account (if not already logged in)
Open the project to be exported
Click Finite View to see the finite element model
Click Pull to export the finite model to Etabs
Etabs model of the project is created as shown above.
Analyze the project
Click Push to import the analysis results to AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite.
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