Floor Beam [CSB]

Floor Beam [CSB]

Floor beams for the Cable Stayed Bridge workflow can be modeled using this section of the workflow.


Floor Beam

Girders: This parameter can be used to specify the girders for which the floor beam will be generated.

Station: This parameter can be used to specify the station where the floor beam will be generated.

Skew Angle: The skew angle for the floor beam can be specified using this parameter.

Section Data:

  • Transverse Offset (from PGL): The variations of the sections in the transverse direction can be defined using this parameter. The start of a section can be defined with respect to PGL.

  • Section: The section for the floor beam can be assigned using this parameter. A section previously defined under Properties > Sections can be used, or a section can be imported.

  • Variation (with next segment) [None/Linear/Parabolic (concave up)/Parabolic (concave down)/Circular]: For varying sections of a floor beam, this parameter definition must be made. Otherwise, when set to "None," the beams will be generated as a custom section beam.

  • Radius: For circular variations, the radius can be defined using this parameter.



Left Overhang [No overhang / To deck edge / Input overhang length]: To define the left overhang, either by the object deck, user input, or with the option "No overhang," this parameter can be used.

Left Overhang Length: If the left overhang is defined using the "Input overhang length" option, this parameter can be used to specify the length of the overhang on the left side when looking upstation along PGL.

Right Overhang [No overhang / To deck edge / Input overhang length]: To define the right overhang, either by the object deck, user input, or with the option "No overhang," this parameter can be used.

Right Overhang: If the right overhang is defined using the "Input overhang length" option, this parameter can be used to specify the length of the overhang on the right side when looking upstation along PGL.

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