Elastomeric Bearing Stiffness [SIG]
To obtain the calculations for the values of the Steel Elastomeric Bearing as a report, this section can be used.
Bridge: Specify the bridge.
Bearings: Specify the bearings for which the report will be generated.
Elastomeric Bearing Stiffness Report Includes
Geometry and Proportioning Table
Dimensions of the elastomeric bearing.
Material Properties Check
As per AASHTO, the elastomer shall have a specified shear modulus between 0.080 ksi and 0.175 ksi.
Compression Stiffness Calculations
The calculated compression stiffness value will be assigned to Tz when the insertion point is chosen for the definition of the elastomeric bearing.
Shape Factor Calculations
Calculations for the shape factors of both internal and external layers.
Effective Compression Modulus Calculations
Calculations for the effective compression modulus of both internal and external layers.
Compressive Stiffness Calculations
Calculations for the compressive stiffness of both internal and external layers.
Shear Stiffness Calculations
The calculated shear resistance will be assigned to Tx and Ty when the insertion point is chosen for bearing definitions.