intersect (Line1, Line2, optional Number)

intersect (Line1, Line2, optional Number)

This function calculates the intersection point of the given two lines. If the lines do not intersect, it returns the value [-1, -1, -1].

If no plane is specified, the intersection is represented in 3-dimensional space. If the plane is set to 1, the intersection will be in the YZ plane (disregarding the X-axis of the points forming the line). If the plane is set to 2, the intersection will be in the XZ plane (disregarding the Y-axis of the points forming the line). If the plane is set to 3, the intersection will be in the XY plane (disregarding the Z-axis of the points forming the line).

intersect(Line1, Line2, optional Number) → list of numbers

This function designed to calculate the intersection point of the given two lines


<O N="intersectObject1" T="Project"> <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 8/22/2023 --> <P N="Line1" V="[[0,0,0],[10,10,10]]" /> <P N="Line2" V="[[10,0,10],[0,5,0]]" /> <P N="Intersection1" V="intersect(Line1,Line2,3)" /> <P N="Line3" V="[[0,0],[10,10]]" /> <P N="Line4" V="[[10,0],[0,10]]" /> <P N="Intersection2" V="intersect(Line3,Line4)" /> </O>
Debug Trace

As demonstrated, Intersection1 and Intersection2 returns to the intersection point coordinates.

To view this example in the library, see (Engineering on Cloud )


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