OpenBrIM Release 3.230904

OpenBrIM Release 3.230919

OpenBrIM Release 3.230929

OpenBrIM Release 3.231010

OpenBrIM Release 3.231012

OpenBrIM Release 3.231015

We have introduced a timer setting UI to allow users to determine save and compile frequencies. Users can utilize the clock icon below to modify the settings.

The default save timer value has been adjusted from 2 seconds to 10 seconds, and the compile timer delay is now set to 5 seconds.

The project's save status can now be monitored from the menu bar, in addition to receiving notifications. A cloud icon indicates that there is no unsaved data, while a spinner icon signifies the presence of unsaved data, and users are advised not to close the browser.

After the user completes actions such as adding or deleting objects or modifying parameters, and avoids introducing these types of actions for a specified period (save timer), the project stabilizes in a steady state, at which point saving can occur. However, due to these actions, saving might not occur for an extended period. Additionally, a new feature has been introduced to ensure data loss prevention by automatically saving the project every two minutes, even when frequent timer resets occur due to various actions.

OpenBrIM Release 3.231018