Figure 1
All analytical beams are listed the spreadsheet and beam sections are shown in the drawing space as illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2
AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite enables user to create layered rebar templates or arbitrary rebar templates easily.
Layered Rebar Templates
There is two way of creating layered rebar templates.
First way;
→ Click Create New Template cell of Show Layered Rebar Templates column of desired analytical beam in the spreadsheet as illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3
This short cut will assign the template directly to selected analytical beam but user can assign the created template to other beams.
Figure 4
→ Select the transverse reinforcement in the spreadsheet
→ Enter clear cover to stirrup in the spreadsheet
→ Enter transverse spacing in the spreadsheet
→ Enter leg number
→ Click Show to add rebar layers
→ Click Reinforcements button shown in Figure 4 to go back to reinforcements spreadsheet