Tendons can be modeled for concrete bridge elements. In the case of the Precast I Girder workflow, tendons can be modeled for:
To use the Tendon objects, the user must have a previously defined or imported Strand Profile under the Properties section.
If a user does not have any strands defined, it is recommended to return to that section ( https://openbrim.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EQCbhQ) of the workflow, define the related strands, and then proceed further.
Tendons for Precast I Girders should be modeled as part of the workflow outlined at https://openbrim.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OBrIM/pages/2185331784/Precast+I+Girder+PIG#:~:text=To%20define%20tendons%20in%20the%20section%20editor%2C%20follow%20these%20steps%3A .