Girder: Girder for code check
Station: Station along the PGL
Load Rating Template: The code check template is utilized to extract global parameters, results from finite element analysis, and limit states employed in the design process.
Panel Type [InteriorPanel/EndPanel]: The terms "end panel" and "interior panel" are used to describe the sections of a steel girder plate that are positioned at the ends and interior sections of the girder, respectively, as depicted in the accompanying figure. The interior panels comprise the remaining segments of the girder that lie between the end panels.
Modular Ratio Comp. Method:
Modular Ratio:
Cover Plates
Cover plates are additional plates that are attached to the flanges of girders to enhance the flexural capacity of the girder over a certain section of the beam. The load rating object provides users with the option to add side and cover plates to the top or bottom flange. Section modulus and stress values will be calculated based on these inputs under live loads. However, actual girder plate dimensions will be used for other permanent loads.
Top Flange Cover Plate Width:
Top Flange Cover Plate Thickness:
Bottom Flange Cover Plate Width:
Bottom Flange Cover Plate Thickness:
Top Flange Side Plate Height:
Top Flange Side Plate Thickness:
Bottom Flange Side Plate Height:
Bottom Flange Side Plate Thickness:
Section Losses
In case of corrosion in plate girder sections, section loss parameters can be used by the user to decrease the section dimensions or cover plate dimensions. If section dimension loss parameters are applied, stress caused by permanent loads and live loads will be calculated according to the section loss parameter. If only cover plate loss is taken into account, the live load stress computation will be the only one to utilize that parameter.
Top Flange Width (%) Loss:
Top Flange Thickness (%) Loss:
Bottom Flange Width (%) Loss:
Bottom Flange Thickness (%) Loss:
Web Thickness (%) Loss:
Top Cover Plate Width (%) Loss:
Top Cover Plate Thickness (%) Loss:
Bottom Cover Plate Width (%) Loss:
Bottom Cover Plate Thickness (%) Loss:
Web Cover Plate Thickness (%) Loss: