The roadway definition is used for influence surface-based live load analysis. Based on the roadway definition, an influence surface path is generated and influence coefficients are computed. OpenBrIM Influence surface-based live load analysis automatically places lanes at the transverse locations, so the only important parameter to define is the extent of the roadway.
Bridge: Understanding the bridge data is crucial to identify the deck components where the roadway will be placed.
Roadway Dimensions: To define the start and end station of the roadway, users need to define at least two rows. If there is a variation in the roadway width, additional rows can be defined to accurately represent the variation.
Station: Station along the PGL.
Transverse Offset: The transverse offset is measured from the PGL, where the PGL is defined as 0.
Right Width: The distance that goes towards the right side when looking up the station along the alignment line.
Left Width:The distance that goes towards the left side when looking up the station along the alignment line.
Skew: A skew angle of 0 degrees indicates that the line is perpendicular to the PGL. A positive skew angle rotates the perpendicular line in a clockwise direction, while a negative skew angle rotates it in a counterclockwise direction.
Support Lines Used For Span Length Comp.[All/Selection]:
Selected Support Lines: If the Support Lines Used for Span Length Comp. parameter is defined with the option ‘Selection,’ then support lines can be chosen using this parameter; otherwise, this parameter will not be applicable (N/A).
Roadway 3D
The following parameters are used solely for 3D visualization purposes and are not used for finite element analysis.
Uniform Lane Width [YES/NO]: If the lanes in the project have the same widths, then this parameter should be set to ‘YES’; otherwise, it should be set to ‘NO.’
Lane Widths (from right of the roadway): If the Uniform Lane Width parameter is set to ‘NO,’ this parameter can be used to define the lane widths sequentially, starting from the right. Otherwise, if uniform lane widths are applied, this parameter will not be applicable.
Lane Width: This parameter is used to define the lane widths when Uniform Lane WÄ°dth parameter is set to ‘YES’.
Right Shoulder Width:
Left Shoulder Width:
Lane Divider Spacing: Lane divider spacing in the longitudinal direction.
Lane Divider Width:
Graphical Thickness: The thickness of the graphical representation of the roadway can be defined here.
Number of Segments (Graphical):
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