Load Combination Table: The load combination table is used to map the analysis result cases and their corresponding factors to the template, along with the limit states. It serves as the basis for all finite element analysis results used in the code check equations.Fatique Parameters
ADTT: The annual daily truck traffic is a parameter used in fatigue checks.
Number of lanes available to truck: Number of lanes available to truck is a parameter used in fatigue checks.
Member connection eccentricity input method[Use AISC Database/User Input]: For fatigue control of the chords, member connection eccentricity is required. This property can be directly pulled from the section database if the chord section is defined using the AISC Database, or the engineer can define this property for each cross frame.
Additional Load Factor For Fatigue: The fatigue load obtained from the analysis can be further reduced by applying this property.
As suggested in NCHRP Report No. 962: Proposed Modification to AASHTO Cross-Frame Analysis and Design, the Fatigue I and Fatigue II load factors should be multiplied by an additional factor of 0.65.