Girder: Choose the two girders that are connected by the lateral bracing.
Left Girder Station: By aligning the direction with the PGL, users can determine the station for bracing on the left girder
Right Girder Station: By aligning the direction with the PGL, users can determine the station for bracing on the right girder.
Section: A section for lateral bracing can be assigned. The data associated with this parameter will directly affect the Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Finite Element Model (FEM), and the 3D model.
Lateral Bracing Offset from Girder Web Center:
Left Web Longitudinal Offset:
Right Web Longitudinal Offset:
Orientation Angle[0/90/180/270]:
Vert. Offset from Top of Web[Top Flange/Bottom Flange]:
Gusset Plate
Plate Thickness:
# of Bolts (Long.):
# of Bolts (Trans.):
Bolt Spacing (Long.):
Bolt Spacing (Trans.):
Bolt Spacing @ Center (Long.):
Bolt Edge Distance (Long.):
Bolt Edge Distance (Trans.):
Gusset Plate Bolt Property:
Plate Distance Outside Flange (Trans.):
Corner Champer:
Show Bolts (Detailing)[YES/NO]:
Plate Material:
Connection [Top node of web/Bottom node of web]:
Axial Rigidity Coefficient: