Skew Angle [deg]:
Statin [ft]:
Has middle gusset plate?:
Station [ft]:
Bottom Chord Section:
Diagonal Chord Section:
Gusset Plate
Select Bottom Plate Geometry:
Chamfer height [in]:
Chamfer width [in]:
Top gusset width [in]:
Top gusset height [in]:
Top gusset offset from top of web [in]:
Bottom gusset width [in]:
Bottom gusset height [in]:
Bottom gusset offset from bottom of web [in]:
Center gusset plate width [in]:
Center gusset plate height [in]:
Center gusset plate offset from top of web [in]:
Gusset plate thickness [in]:
Web centerline to gusset plate edge distance [in]:
Gusset plate material:
Gusset Plate Bolts
Top Gusset Plate Bolt Group:
Bottom Gusset Plate Bolt Group:
Bolt Column Vertical Edge Distance [in]:
Bolt Column Horizontal Edge Distance [in]:
Bolt Vertical Spacing [in]:
Bolt Horizontal Spacing [in]:
Segments of Bolts:
Gusset Plate Bolt Property:
Show Bolts (Detailing):
vertical stiffener thickness [in]:
vertical stiffener width [in]:
Top Chord - Vertical Distance of WP from top of web [in]:
Top Chord - Horizontal Distance of WP center of web [in]:
Top Chord - Inner Offset from WP [in]:
Diagonal Chord - Topside Vertical Distance from top of web [in]:
Diagonal Chord - Horizontal Distance from center of web [in]:
Diagonal Chord - Vertical offset from WP of Bottom chord [in]:
Diagonal Chord - Horizontal offset from WP of Bottom chord [in]:
Diagonal Chord - TopSide Inner Offset from WP [in]:
Diagonal Chord - BottomSide Inner Offset from WP [in]:
Bottom Chord - Vertical Distance of WP from Bottom of web [in]:
Bottom Chord - Horizontal Distance of WP from center of web [in]:
Bottom Chord - Inner Offset from WP [in]: