Per AASHTO 9th Edition, wind load on live load shall be represented by an interruptible, moving force of 0.10 klf acting transverse to, and 6.0 ft above, the roadway and shall be transmitted to the structure. For various angles of wind direction, the transverse and longitudinal components of the wind load on live load may be taken as specified in Table, with the skew angle measured from the perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bridge in plan
For each design lane centerline location, the user needs to generate load cases for each of the nine angles of attack (-60, -45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60) computed for both the right-to-left and left-to-right wind directions, resulting in a total of 18 cases.
Line: Select the lane position defined in the previous step.
Stage: Choose the stage at which to apply the wind load.
Transverse Force: Enter the transverse component values here as per AASHTO Table
Longitudinal Force: Enter the longitudinal component values here as per AASHTO Table
Moment Due to Transverse Force [kip-ft/ft]: As mentioned in AASHTO, the moving force is applied 6.0 feet above. Therefore, the transverse force value should be multiplied by 6 feet and entered here.
Moment Due to Longitudinal Force [kip-ft/ft]: As mentioned in AASHTO, the moving force is applied 6.0 feet above. Therefore, the longitudinal force value should be multiplied by 6 feet and entered here.