Continuity Diaphgram
Purpose of the continuity diaphragm is to connect two different girder units. These units are connected with beam finite elements and they act as a continuous span instead of separate simple spans.
Connected Girders at Start (DownStation): Select the girders that are connected to the contiunity diaphragm at the downstation unit.
Connected Girders at End (UpStation): Select the girders that are connected to the contiunity diaphragm at the upstation unit. See Figure 1.
Additional Overhang Length Transverse Dir. [ft]: Set the cantilever extension of the continuity diaphragm. This distance is measured from the web of the girder. The depth of the diaphragm is calculated automatically from bottom of the bottom flange to top of the haunches of the girders. See Figure 2
Thickness (Downstation w.r.t. Support Line) [ft]: The thickness (Downstation) of the continuity diaphragm measured from Support Line where girders are connected. See Figure 3
Thickness (Upstation w.r.t. Support Line) [ft]: The thickness (Upstation) of the continuity diaphragm measured from Support Line where girders are connected. See Figure 3
Material: Set the material for the continuity diaphragm.