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Please follow the instructions provided below to add design lanes.


To affect live loads on your bridge, you must activate them according to your standard. Note that vehicle data definitions are provided before the design lane definitions.
However, if you begin by defining a Design Lane, OpenBrIM will automatically assign the vehicle data.


Navigate to Live Load > Design Lane


Click three-dots icon on Name and click Import Design Lane to import design lanes.


You can import 'Design Lanes' with parameters into the OpenBrIM core memory, as in the figure.

Import all of the Design Lines indicated by the red arrow


These three parameters should be separated into substructure and superstructure categories. This means that they must be imported twice, with different names, as they take different coefficients.

  • HL93AndLane_LL(sub)

  • HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LL(sub)

  • HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LL(sub)

We have defined 14 Design Lanes in total.


The incoming lane width [ft] and vehicle & lane edge [ft] data will remain constant for this project.


Navigate to Vehicles tab.

"The data in the Vehicles 1 column is automatically set when we define the Design Line.


Enter the Vehicles 1 Impact Factor values as shown in the figure.


You can make adjustments to the "Lane Load", “Vehicle Placemet Settings” and "Lane Placement Settings" tabs if you wish.

Follow the below steps to copy and paste all inputs from our data set.


Navigate to Design Lane under Live Load on the tree view.


Copy Properties, Vehicles, Lane Load, Vehicle Placement Settings, and Lane Placement Settings from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.

Please follow the instructions provided below to add vehicle definitions.


Navigate to Loads > Live Load > Vehicle


Click three-dots icon on Name and click Import Vehicle.


You can use the OpenBrIM library to import the live load status of vehicles according to various standards.


All of the vehicle data is automatically imported once the Design Lane has been imported.

Follow the below steps to copy and paste all inputs from our data set.


Navigate to Vehicle under Live Load on the tree view.


Copy related Dara from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.

Please follow the instructions provided below to add influance surface.


Navigate to Loads > Live Load > Infuence Surface


Click three-dots icon on Stage and click Select.


After the completion of pavement on a bridge and highway, the forces exerted by vehicles on the pavement include live load, load at braking, and centripetal force. These three states must be assigned to stages in the 'Influence Surface'.


Set the Stage data as in the figure.

Then enter the name of the “Influence Surface (loads)” that have been entered.


Click three-dots icon on Roadway and click Select

Set R1 each (Influence Surface) load.


Each defined 'Influence Surface' load has a category.

Assign the appropriate categories to them."


For each (Influence Surface) load, each impact surface parameter values as follows.

  • Unit Load Spacing Long. [in]: 360

  • Unit Load Spacing Trans. [in]: 72


Navigate to Centrifugal tab.

Enter Highway Design Speed [ft/second] data as 51.3.


Click on the three-dots icon on Centrifugal Force Factor and set it to 'Other Than Fatigue (1.33)' for the “ISCentr” load.

Follow the below steps to copy and paste all inputs from our data set.


Navigate to Influence Surface under Live Load on the tree view.


Copy General, and Centrifugal from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.

Please follow the instructions provided below to define live load cases.


Navigate to Loads > Live Load > Live Load Case


In this step, we define the "Live Load Cases" for which limit states will be used.


Select the (Influence Surface) loads that were defined in the previous step.

Then enter the name.


Assign Fatigue parameter of defined "Live Load Case" as in the figure.


Navigate Design Lanes tab.


To perform the design calculation, vehicle scenarios must be created on the roadway.

To perform this, vehicle scenarios need to be applied to the 'Live Load Cases' that were defined previous step.

Click three-dots icon on Design Line Option cell and click Select.

Assign the design lanes to the 'Design Lane Options' as in the figure.

Follow the below steps to copy and paste all inputs from our data set.


Navigate to Live Load Case under Live Load on the tree view.


Copy General, and Design Lanes from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.

 Quick Tip: Copy inputs to OpenBrIM

Copy the desired data with the automatic copy button in the upper left corner.

Click on the first cell in and use the Ctrl+V shortcut to paste.

If icon won’t appear, collapse page tree menu by clicking on arrow or using shortcut “[”.

While pasting large data, it would be handy to turn of Auto-refresh .



HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	72.0000
HL93DesignTandem	1.0000	50.0000
HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	72.0000
HL93DesignTruckFatigue	1.0000	72.0000
HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	72.0000
HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	72.0000
HL93DesignTandem	1.0000	50.0000
HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	72.0000
HL93DesignTandem	1.0000	50.0000
HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	72.0000
HL93DesignTandem	1.0000	50.0000
HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	72.0000
HL93DesignTandem	1.0000	50.0000
HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	72.0000

Design Lane



Lane Load

Vehicle Placement Settings

Lane Placement Settings

HL93AndLane_LL	12.0000	1.0000
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LL	12.0000	1.0000
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LL	12.0000	1.0000
HL93_Fatigue	12.0000	1.0000
HL93AndLane_Deflection	12.0000	1.0000
HL93_BR	12.0000	1.0000
HL93Tandem_BR	12.0000	1.0000
HL93AndLane_BR	12.0000	1.0000
HL93TandemAndLane_BR	12.0000	1.0000
HL93_CE	12.0000	1.0000
HL93TandemTruck_CE	12.0000	1.0000
HL93AndLane_LLsub	12.0000	1.0000
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LLsub	12.0000	1.0000
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LLsub	12.0000	1.0000
HL93AndLane_LL	HL93DesignTruck	1.3333	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LL	HL93DesignTandem	1.3333	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LL	HL93DesignTruck	1.1970	Both	HL93DesignTruck	1.1970	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93_Fatigue	HL93DesignTruckFatigue	1.1500	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93AndLane_Deflection	HL93DesignTruck	0.3325	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93_BR	HL93DesignTruck	0.2500	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93Tandem_BR	HL93DesignTandem	0.2500	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93AndLane_BR	HL93DesignTruck	0.0500	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93TandemAndLane_BR	HL93DesignTandem	0.0500	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93_CE	HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93TandemTruck_CE	HL93DesignTandem	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93AndLane_LLsub	HL93DesignTruck	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LLsub	HL93DesignTandem	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LLsub	HL93DesignTruck	0.9000	Both	HL93DesignTruck	1.1970	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both	(None)	1.0000	Both
HL93AndLane_LL	0.6400	10.0000
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LL	0.6400	10.0000
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LL	0.5760	10.0000
HL93_Fatigue	0.0000	10.0000
HL93AndLane_Deflection	0.6400	10.0000
HL93_BR	0.0000	10.0000
HL93Tandem_BR	0.0000	10.0000
HL93AndLane_BR	0.6400	10.0000
HL93TandemAndLane_BR	0.6400	10.0000
HL93_CE	0.0000	10.0000
HL93TandemTruck_CE	0.0000	10.0000
HL93AndLane_LLsub	0.6400	10.0000
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LLsub	0.6400	10.0000
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LLsub	0.5760	10.0000
HL93AndLane_LL	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LL	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LL	50.0000	10000.0000	YES
HL93_Fatigue	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93AndLane_Deflection	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93_BR	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93Tandem_BR	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93AndLane_BR	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93TandemAndLane_BR	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93_CE	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93TandemTruck_CE	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93AndLane_LLsub	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LLsub	50.0000	10000.0000	NO
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LLsub	50.0000	10000.0000	YES
HL93AndLane_LL	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LL	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LL	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93_Fatigue	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93AndLane_Deflection	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93_BR	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93Tandem_BR	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93AndLane_BR	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93TandemAndLane_BR	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93_CE	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93TandemTruck_CE	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93AndLane_LLsub	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93TandemTruckAndLane_LLsub	NO	0.0000	0.0000
HL93TwoTrucksAndLane_LLsub	NO	0.0000	0.0000

Influence Surface



ISGravity	LLStage	R1	Gravity	360	72
ISBreaking	BRStage	R1	Braking	360	72
ISCentr	CentStage	R1	Centrifugal	360	72
ISGravity	0	0
ISBreaking	0	0
ISCentr	51.3	Other than Fatigue(1.33)

Live Load Case


Design Lanes

LLHL93Case	ISGravity	NO	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLBreakingCase	ISBreaking	NO	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLCentCase	ISCentr	NO	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLFatCase	ISGravity	YES	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLHL93Case_LLsub	ISGravity	NO	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLHL93Case	ISGravity	NO	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLBreakingCase	ISBreaking	NO	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLCentCase	ISCentr	NO	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLFatCase	ISGravity	YES	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]
LLHL93Case_LLsub	ISGravity	NO	[1.2,1,0.85,0.65]

  • No labels


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