Please follow the instructions provided below to prepare the set of unfactored analysis results.
1 | The purpose of this object is to define unfactored load case combinations/envelopes. It allows for the combination of staged construction/deconstruction and other cyclic/static load cases. The object also enables the filtering of case results based on the load type, extraction of incremental/cumulative results, and the combination of cyclic loads to determine the most critical load effects. The Result Extraction Cases created at this stage will be used in the "Limit States" section. | |
2 | Navigate to Combinations > Result Extraction Cases (Unfactored load case combinations/envelopes for the wind load defined in the previous step are automatically established in this section.) | |
3 | Enter a name as DC1_Sub for the Result Extraction Case you want to identify Then Click three-dots icon on Filter by Load Type cell and click Select. | |
4 | Select Dead load type for “DCSub1” as in the figure | |
5 | Set DC1_Sub's Envelope to Yes. As a result of an analysis with an Envelope parameter, the most critical value is selected. For the DC1_sub result extraction data (unffactored load case) , ensure that the "Incremental" and "Transient Loads (Extreme Effects)" parameters remain constant (NO). | |
6 | Click three-dots icon on Cases | Factors cell and click edit. To visualize the Dead load in the Result extraction cases, | |
7 | Assign the appropriate Construction Stages for the DC1_Sub Result Extraction data (unfactored load case) in the combobox. Click three-dots icon on Case and click Select to select construction stage. Select (Construction Stages) Case for DC1_Sub as in the figure. Once you have added the cases, enter the corresponding Factor data for each of them. | |
8 | Repeat the same steps from 3 to 7 for the second and other Result Extraction Cases. Enter the Result Extraction Cases as in the figure |
Follow the below steps to copy and paste all inputs from our data set.
1 | Navigate to Result Extraction Cases under Combinations on the tree view. |
2 | Copy Items from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM. |
Result Extraction Cases |
Items |
AASHTO Wind Cases Strength III Wind on Structure YES NO YES [[WindLoad_Strength_III_0_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Strength_III_15_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Strength_III_30_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Strength_III_45_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Strength_III_60_deg, 1]] AASHTO Wind Cases Strength V Wind on Structure YES NO YES [[WindLoad_Strength_V_0_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Strength_V_15_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Strength_V_30_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Strength_V_45_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Strength_V_60_deg, 1]] AASHTO Wind Cases Service I Wind on Structure YES NO YES [[WindLoad_Service_I_0_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Service_I_15_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Service_I_30_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Service_I_45_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Service_I_60_deg, 1]] AASHTO Wind Cases Service IV Wind on Structure YES NO YES [[WindLoad_Service_IV_0_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Service_IV_15_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Service_IV_30_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Service_IV_45_deg, 1],[WindLoad_Service_IV_60_deg, 1]] DC1_Sub Dead YES NO NO [[SubstrConstStage, 1],[GirderStage, 1],[SIPFormworkStage, 1],[Cast1PourStage, 1],[Cast2PourStage, 1],[Cast3PourStage, 1],[Cast123GainStiffStage, 1],[Cast4PourStage, 1],[Cast5PourStage, 1],[Cast45GainStiffStage, 1]] DC1_Sup Dead YES NO NO [[GirderStage, 1],[SIPFormworkStage, 1],[Cast1PourStage, 1],[Cast2PourStage, 1],[Cast3PourStage, 1],[Cast123GainStiffStage, 1],[Cast4PourStage, 1],[Cast5PourStage, 1],[Cast45GainStiffStage, 1]] DC2 Imposed Dead NO NO NO [[FBarrierStage, 1]] DW Wearing Surface NO NO NO [[FutureWearingStage, 1]] LL Live (Vehicular + Impact) NO NO NO [[LLHL93Case, 1]] LLFat Live (Vehicular + Impact) NO NO NO [[LLFatCase, 1]] LLSub Live (Vehicular + Impact) NO NO NO [[LLHL93Case_LLsub, 1]] WS Wind on Structure NO NO NO [[WSStage, 1]] TU Temperature YES YES NO [[TUExpStage, 1],[TUContrStage, 1]] BR Braking NO NO NO [[LLBreakingCase, 1]] Cent Centrifugal NO NO NO [[LLCentCase, 1]] TubGirderDL Dead NO NO NO [[GirderStage, 1]] DeckDL Dead YES NO NO [[Cast1PourStage, 1],[Cast2PourStage, 1],[Cast3PourStage, 1],[Cast123GainStiffStage, 1],[Cast4PourStage, 1],[Cast5PourStage, 1],[Cast45GainStiffStage, 1]] |