Follow the below steps to create the alignment where the bridge will be located.
1 | Go to Roadway Alignment | |
2 | Enter Start Station as 0 | |
3 | Click the three-dots icon on the cell and Click Editor to define alignment properties | |
4 | Click icon next to the Horizontal and add a circular segment | |
5 | Enter Length as 530 ft, Radius as 700 ft, and Direction as Towards Right | |
6 | ||
7 | Click icon next to the Transverse to define the alignment cross-section at a specific station | |
8 | Enter the cross-section Station as 0 ft | |
9 | Enter the Left Edge to PGL distance as 20 ft. This distance is the length from the left edge to the centerline of the alignment. | |
10 | Click icon next to the At Sta+0 and add a section component | |
11 | Enter the Width as 40 ft and Slope as %-5 |