Verify the pure bending moment capacity of the section specified below:
Section dimensions:
bw=12 in
h= 28 in
Material properties:
f’c=4 ksi
εc= 0.003 in/in
β1= 0.85
Reinforcement parameters:
As= 6 in2
fy=60 ksi
εy= 0.002068 in/in
Verify the pure bending moment capacity of the section specified below:
Section dimensions:
bw=12 in
h= 28 in
Material properties:
f’c=4 ksi
εc= 0.003 in/in
β1= 0.85
Reinforcement parameters:
As= 6 in2
fy=60 ksi
εy= 0.002068 in/in
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