For modeled abutments, approach slabs can be modeled as a separate object using this object of the workflow.
Abutment: This parameter specifies the abutment for which the approach slab will be modeled.
Longitudinal Offset: The offset value for the approach slab in the longitudinal direction can be specified using this parameter.
Material: A material can be assigned to the approach slab from either previously defined options under Properties-Materials or imported as needed.
Start Skew: The skew angle at the start of the approach slab (the downstation section) can be defined using this parameter.
End Skew: The skew angle at the end of the approach slab (the upstation section) can be defined using this parameter.
Length: The length of the approach slab in the longitudinal direction can be specified using this parameter.
Width: The width of the approach slab in the transverse direction can be specified using this parameter.
Thickness: The thickness of the approach slab can be defined using this parameter.
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