To define the pile top node results for reaction forces along all axes and moment values on all axes to be shared, this object can be utilized. For this object to function properly, users must ensure that the FEA has been run for the model.
Result Case: Specify a case for which the pile results will be extracted and shared.
Pile: Specify the pile.
Maximize for: Users can choose to maximize the results for all Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, and Mz, or for a specific one individually, by defining this parameter with the provided options that become visible in the pop-up window when the 'Select' option is chosen.
Min/Max [Abs. max/Max/Min]:
Fx: Read-only value for the reaction force of the bearing along the X-axis.
Fy: Read-only value for the reaction force of the bearing along the Y-axis.
Fz: Read-only value for the reaction force of the bearing along the Z-axis.
Mx: Read-only value for the moment of the bearing around the X-axis.
My: Read-only value for the moment of the bearing around the Y-axis.
Mz: Read-only value for the moment of the bearing around the Z-axis.
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