To generate the bending moment and resulting curvature (bending deformation) relationship, further definitions can be made. By using the parameters of this section, it is possible to further define the concrete column for pushover analysis.
Section Type[Circle/Oblong]:
Outside Diameter:
Section Overall Width:
Section Height:
Cover Thickness:
Longitudinal Bar Size:
Transverse Bar Size:
Number of Longitudinal Bar Bundle:
Number of Bars Per Bundle:
Gross Section Area (readonly):
Confined Core Area (readonly):
Longitudinal Steel Area (readonly):
Longitudinal Reinforcement Steel Ratio % (readonly):
Concrete Material
28 Day Concrete Compressive Strength:
Concrete Elastic Modulus:
Rebar Material
Longitudinal Reinforcing Bar Yield Stress:
Longitudinal Reinforcing Bar Fracture Stress:
Steel Standard and Grade[ASTMA706Grade60/ASTMA706Grade80]:
Circular Hoop-Spiral Confinement Details
Type of Transverse Reinforcing[Circular Hoop/Spirals]:
Transverse Reinforcing Bar Yield Stress:
Spacing of Transverse Reinforcement:
Transverse Reinforcing Steel Strain at Fracture:
Maximum Confined Concrete Crushing Strain:
Transverse Reinforcement Volumetric Ratio X-dir. (readonly):
Axial Forces
Axial Forces:
Moment Curvature Analysis Settings
Resistance Factor Tension Controlled Section:
Resistance Factor Compression Controlled Section:
Number of Refinement for Moment-Curvature Analysis:
Number of Points for Moment-Curvature Curve:
Number of Hoop[One/Two]:
# of Total Interlocking Bar by Hoop:
Interlocking Area Bar Size:
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