Please follow the instructions provided below add to the corresponding load definitions.
1 | Navigate to Load Geometry Definitions > Surface > Line | |
2 | Click three-dots icon on Bridge cell and set “Bridge1”. | |
3 | Set the name as BarrierRetrofit Enter Reference Point Station and Reference Point Station data as in the figure for BarrierRetrofit (Load Line Definitions). | |
4 | Click three-dots icon on Line Points cell and click Edit | |
5 | Enter Longitudinal & Transverse Distance from Reference Point value as in the figure. | |
6 | Repeat the previous steps to define the geometric nodes of all available line loads in the project, use the parameters provided in the figure. |
Follow the below steps to copy and paste all inputs from our data set.
1 | Navigate to Line under Load Geometry Definitions on the tree view. |
2 | Copy Geometry from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM. |
Line | |
Geometry | Line Points (spreadsheet) |
BarrierRetrofit Bridge1 23846.1200 21.6200 [[0, 0],[2161.92, 0]] SIPG1Sp1 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286195.19999999995, -262.79999999999995],[286780.56, -262.79999999999995]] SIPG2Sp1 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286187.76, -190.8],[286773.83999999997, -190.8]] SIPG3Sp1p Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286177.80000000005, -130.8],[286768.80000000005, -130.32]] SIPG4Sp1 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286168.56, -38.88],[286760.4, -38.76]] SIPG5Sp1 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286159.18439999997, 52.9944],[286751.8392, 53.23440000000001]] SIPG6Sp1 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286149.83999999997, 144.84],[286743.36, 145.2]] SIPG7Sp1 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286140.6, 236.76],[286734.83999999997, 237.12]] SIPG1Sp2 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286803.48, -260.15999999999997],[287821.92, -258.96]] SIPG2Sp2 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286797, -190.8],[287809.68, -190.44]] SIPG3Sp2p Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286791, -130.56],[287799.48, -130.8]] SIPG4Sp2 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286785.36, -69.24],[287788.68, -70.284]] SIPG5Sp2 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286779.6, -8.040000000000001],[287777.88, -9.72]] SIPG6Sp2 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286773.96, 53.28],[287767.08, 50.88]] SIPG7Sp2 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286762.56, 175.92000000000002],[287745.48, 172.07999999999998]] SIPG8Sp2 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286776.6, 175.92000000000002],[287759.52, 172.07999999999998]] SIPG9Sp2 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286756.92, 237.12],[287734.68, 232.68]] SIPG1Sp3 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[287846.04, -263.28000000000003],[288372.72000000003, -255.24]] SIPG2Sp3 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[287833.08, -190.92000000000002],[288354.12, -184.07999999999998]] SIPG3Sp3p Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[287821.80000000005, -130.56],[288343.44, -124.80000000000001]] SIPG4Sp3 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[287829.6, -39.72],[288320.04, -35.519999999999996]] SIPG5Sp3 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[287789.4, 51],[288296.64, 53.64]] SIPG6Sp3 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[287773.19999999995, 141.84],[288273.36, 142.92000000000002]] SIPG7Sp3 Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[287757, 232.68],[288249.96, 232.07999999999998]] EB1p_DL Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286183.56, -297.6],[286169.04, -153.96]] EB1e_DL Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286169.04, -153.96],[286126.56, 266.4]] EB2p_DL Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[288398.76, -292.56],[288357.36, -134.52]] EB2e_DL Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[288253.08, 263.76],[288357.36, -134.52]] SIPG3Sp1e Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286177.80000000005, -130.8],[286768.92, -130.68]] SIPG3Sp2e Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[286791, -130.56],[287799.48, -130.8]] SIPG3Sp3e Bridge1 0.0000 0.0000 [[287821.80000000005, -130.56],[288343.44, -124.80000000000001]] | [[0, 0],[2161.92, 0]] [[286195.19999999995, -262.79999999999995],[286780.56, -262.79999999999995]] [[286187.76, -190.8],[286773.83999999997, -190.8]] [[286177.80000000005, -130.8],[286768.80000000005, -130.32]] [[286168.56, -38.88],[286760.4, -38.76]] [[286159.18439999997, 52.9944],[286751.8392, 53.23440000000001]] [[286149.83999999997, 144.84],[286743.36, 145.2]] [[286140.6, 236.76],[286734.83999999997, 237.12]] [[286803.48, -260.15999999999997],[287821.92, -258.96]] [[286797, -190.8],[287809.68, -190.44]] [[286791, -130.56],[287799.48, -130.8]] [[286785.36, -69.24],[287788.68, -70.284]] [[286779.6, -8.040000000000001],[287777.88, -9.72]] [[286773.96, 53.28],[287767.08, 50.88]] [[286762.56, 175.92000000000002],[287745.48, 172.07999999999998]] [[286776.6, 175.92000000000002],[287759.52, 172.07999999999998]] [[286756.92, 237.12],[287734.68, 232.68]] [[287846.04, -263.28000000000003],[288372.72000000003, -255.24]] [[287833.08, -190.92000000000002],[288354.12, -184.07999999999998]] [[287821.80000000005, -130.56],[288343.44, -124.80000000000001]] [[287829.6, -39.72],[288320.04, -35.519999999999996]] [[287789.4, 51],[288296.64, 53.64]] [[287773.19999999995, 141.84],[288273.36, 142.92000000000002]] [[287757, 232.68],[288249.96, 232.07999999999998]] [[286183.56, -297.6],[286169.04, -153.96]] [[286169.04, -153.96],[286126.56, 266.4]] [[288398.76, -292.56],[288357.36, -134.52]] [[288253.08, 263.76],[288357.36, -134.52]] [[286177.80000000005, -130.8],[286768.92, -130.68]] [[286791, -130.56],[287799.48, -130.8]] [[287821.80000000005, -130.56],[288343.44, -124.80000000000001]] |
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