The "Section" object is a container that holds the geometric, mechanical and 3D properties of any section. Material properties refer to its shape and some properties.
As seen in the example below, it contains the concrete class, the shape of the section and its mechanical properties.
At the same time, the main importance of the "Section" Object is used when creating a 3D object with the "Line" Object, while sectioning the line to provide the third dimension.
Example Syntax:
... <O T="Section"> ... ... </O>
<O N="SectionObject1" T="Project" Category="FEM Objects" TransAlignRule="Right"> <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 06.02.2023 --> <P N="height" V="60" /> <P N="width" V="10" /> <P N="depth" V="20" /> <P N="th" V="2" D="Wall thickness of the tube" /> <O N="Column3D" T="Line"> <O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" /> <O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="height" /> <O T="Section"> <P N="Material" V="C20/25" T="Material" /> <O T="Shape"> <O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" /> <O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" /> <O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" /> <O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" /> </O> <O T="Shape"> <P N="IsCutout" V="1" /> <O T="Point" X="-width/2 + th" Y="-depth/2 + th" Z="0" /> <O T="Point" X="-width/2 + th" Y="depth/2 - th" Z="0" /> <O T="Point" X="width/2 - th" Y="depth/2 - th" Z="0" /> <O T="Point" X="width/2 - th" Y="-depth/2 + th" Z="0" /> </O> </O> </O> </O> |
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