Problem Description
A one-story, one-bay, two-dimensional frame is subjected to an axial force, P, at the top of each column. The buckling load for this configuration is calculated and compared with independent results calculated using formulas derived in Timoshenko and Gere 1961. Several this model is used. Each model is identical, except for the discretization of the three frame objects.
Important Note: Only buckling in the XZ plane is considered. The frame is assumed to be braced against bucking in the YZ plane. This is achieved by making only the Ux, Uz and Ry degrees of freedom active in the analysis.
Important Note: Only bending deformations are considered in the analysis. Shear and axial deformations are ignored. In this model, this is achieved by setting the property modification factor for area to 100,000 and setting the property modification factor for shear area to 0.
Tested Features
- Buckling analysis of a rigid frame
- Automatic frame subdivision
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