AEC|BOLT Building Design Suite BIM Cloud platform enables user to create their own databases or templates. To describe the process an illustration of creating material database will be performed.
Go to https://buildingbim.openbrimaecbolt.orgcom/appplatform/?incubator=1
Log in with your AEC | BOLT Buildin Building Design Suite account
Go to your library
Now we will write parametric definitions of materials and add them to database. For detailed background information regarding parametric definitions, see Introduction to ParamML (Parametric Markup Language) . There is no need for new setup release to use new material definitions that we will add to AEC|BOLT BIM Cloud.
Overview of Building Design Suite AEC|BOLT BIM Cloud material database. Our new database should be like this;
Name the object as” NewSteel” since we will define steel first and change type of object with ‘T=”AEC_Material”’ to be able to see this object in AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite import list.