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This object OpenBrIM allows users to store one set of analysis results and one set of design results per model. However, users can also generate multiple FEA results and design reports for specific parts of a bridge, or by excluding certain elements. By activating or deactivating object groups, users can compare FEA results and code check reports for both the initial model and the modified condition with selected elements activated or deactivated. This feature allows you to group the objects found in within the project. You can activate or deactivate the objects in each group you create in the project. , and generate FEA results and Code Check reports for both the initial condition and the condition where certain objects are activated or deactivated. Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup0 |
nopanel | true |
Pick Objects: The objects to be grouped can be picked one by one. However, it is easier to select all group objects by picking the main object first, and then selecting the reference objects associated with the main objects using 'Select References'. Info |
About Select References After selecting an object, users can choose the "Select References" option (accessible through the three dots). This option allows users to pick related objects associated with the selected object. For better illustration, consider the example below: After selecting the Support Line Pier 2, the "Select References" option can be used to choose related objects linked to the selected Support Line. One important thing to note when using the Select References window is that when an object is selected, all related objects will automatically be selected as well. As shown clearly in the video below, when insertion points are chosen, related elements, such as girder layouts, girders, and splices, are automatically selected. These related objects can be deselected by deselecting the primary connector object. Select Refernces.mp4 |
Select Objects: Objects that cannot be picked, such as the wind load object code check reports which is not visible on the project screen, are selected using 'Select Object'. Active: Active group objects will be visible in the project, while deactivated group objects will not be visible According to the 'Activation/Deactivation Impact', active objects' 3D geometries, finite models, and design reports can be enabled within the group, while those of inactive objects are not displayed in the project. Activation/Deactivation Impact: |