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Inaccurate finite element models and disconnected nodes/elements in the cross frame can occur if the entered station values are not >= the girder start station or <= the girder end station. This can cause stability issues in the finite element model. To ensure correct station input, users should select the start/end options from the station input. This approach is especially recommended for cross frames located at the beginning or end of girders.

Diaphragm Loc. Location [Interior/ Left Exterior/ Right Exterior]: Concrete diaphragms can be defined as either Interior or Exterior. If the exterior option is chosen, additional width from the center of the web can be defined.



Additional Width from Center Of Web: If the diaphragm location is defined with options other than ‘Interior,’ this parameter can be defined; otherwise, it will be marked as not applicable (N/A). Depending on the girders chosen for the location definitions of concrete diaphragms, this parameter can be used to assign additional length to the exterior sides of the girders, based on the directions (left or right) specified for the Diaphragm Loc. parameter.

Diaphragm Depth: The depth of the concrete diaphragms can be adjusted by this parameter. It will affect the depth in the longitudinal direction, as shown below.

MaterialsMaterial: The material definition for the concrete diaphragm can be made using this parameter. Materials can either be imported or assigned from previously defined ones.


FE Model[Two Beam+Shell/Single Beam]: If the 'Two Beam + Shell' option is selected, the top and bottom flanges will be modeled as beam elements, while the remaining portion will be modeled as a shell element.In the absence of this option, a complete section will be defined as a single beam and connected to both bottom and top flange nodes using rigid elements, based on the user's selected preferences.

If you choose two beam and shell elements, the rigid definitions below become not applicable (N/A).

Rigid Section Top: A diaphragm can be linked to the top flange node using a rigid beam element. Please designate a section for this purpose.

Disable Bottom Rigid Line [NO/YES/NO]: Choose "Yes" if you prefer not to generate a rigid beam element between the diaphragm and the bottom flange node.

Rigid Section Bot: A diaphragm can be linked to the bottom flange node using a rigid beam element. Please designate a section for this purpose.