Excerpt |
GeneralIn OpenBrIM, temporary supports can be used for both continuous segments and closure joints. Before adding a temporary support, it is necessary to define a Support Line that is at the station of the temporary supportssupport. Additionally, the Single Element doesn’t have a 3D Model. To see the position of the temporary support, users should use the FEA View. Girder: Choose the girder on which the temporary support is constructed. Support Line: Select the support line where the temporary support is constructed. Longitudinal Offset From Support Line: Offset from the selected Support Line. Negative values for downstation and positive values for upstation. FixityUsually, fixed supports are employed for all directions when users do not intend to calculate the stiffness of the temporary tower, etc Tx [kip/in] [Fixed/Free/Stiffness]: The stiffness in the longitudinal direction is represented by Tx. Ty [kip/in] [Fixed/Free/Stiffness]: The stiffness in the transverse direction is represented by Ty. Tz [kip/in] [Fixed/Free/Stiffness]: Tz represents the stiffness in the vertical direction. Rx [kip-in/rad][Fixed/Free/Stiffness]: Rotation stiffness in Rx direction. Ry [kip-in/rad][Fixed/Free/Stiffness]: Rotation stiffness in Ry direction. Rz [kip-in/rad] [Fixed/Free/Stiffness]: Rotation stiffness in Rz direction. |