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Cap: The midpoint of the pier cap is utilized to designate the position of the column.

Section Data: The section of the pier column can be specified.

  • Section Length(Starts From Top): Input the distances for the defined section, starting from the top of the pier column. If the sections do not vary, one row is sufficient.

  • Start Section: The location of the start section is calculated as the sum of all previously defined rows. If it is the first row, then the starting point is the top of the pier column.

  • End Section: The position of the end section is determined by adding the distance defined in this row to the sum of all previously specified rows.

Transverse Offset: The midpoint of the pier cap is set to 0 location. If a negative value is employed, the pier will be shifted towards the left when viewed up-station from the alignmentFor Pier Column objects, the value for the transverse offset will determine the position of the Pier Column's center relative to the chosen Pier Cap's center. A negative value will offset the Pier Column to the left, while a positive value will shift offset it towards to the right when viewed up-station from the alignmentlooking up-station along the PGL.


The positive direction of the Y-axis will be to the left when looking upstream along the PGL. However, based on the requests of engineers who have been using OpenBrIM for their bridge projects, positive transverse offset values will indicate the right-hand side when looking upstream along the PGL. This distinction should be taken into account when defining the location of bridge elements using transverse offset values (where positive transverse offset indicates the right side), as well as when making definitions related to FEM and loading (where positive Fy indicates the left side along the PGL).

Rotation Angle: This parameter is utilized to rotate the section.

Bottom Elevation: This parameter specifies the global elevation of the bottom of the pier column. Suppose the vertical profile of the alignment is defined, and the PGL is at an elevation of 100. In that case, entering a value of -50 here will offset the bottom of the column by 150 units from the PGL elevation.

Column Height (readonly): Displays the height of the column, which is calculated based on the input values of the 'Cap' parameter and the 'Bottom Elevation' parameter.


Cap Connection [Rigid/Pin/Rx Free/Ry Free/Rx and Ry Free]: The connection of the column to the substructure (cap) above can be defined by the parameter that offers multiple options:

  • Rigid: A Rigid connection assumes full moment transfer between the column and the substructure, meaning the connection resists rotation and ensures stiffness.

  • Pin: A Pin connection allows for rotational freedom, implying no moment is transferred, and the connection mainly resists vertical and horizontal forces.

  • Rx Free: This option allows the column to freely rotate about the X-axis (horizontal axis), while the connection resists moment transfer in the other directions.

  • Ry Free: This option allows the column to freely rotate about the Y-axis (vertical axis), while the connection resists moment transfer in the other directions.

  • Rx and Ry Free: This option allows the column to freely rotate about both the X-axis and Y-axis, meaning no moments are transferred in either direction, and the connection mainly resists forces in those directions.

Additional Break Points: Break points can be added to include additional nodes at various positions. The distance is inputted from the top of the pier column. In some scenarios, users enter collision loads on the pier column as a point load. If there is no node defined at that precise location, the load is distributed to the nearest nodes based on their distance. However, in these instances, the user's objective is to apply the collision force from one particular location. Thus, creating a node at the intended location can fulfill this requirement.

Generate FEM? [Yes/No]: Setting the "Generate Fem" parameter to "No" can disable the analytical representation of the pier.

Bottom Fixity [Fixed/Stiffness Matrix]: The Bottom Fixity of the pier column can be defined with one of the following options: Fixed: This assumes the base of the pier column is fully restrained, resisting all translations and rotations. Stiffness Matrix: The bottom fixity is adjusted based on a defined stiffness matrix, allowing for partial restraint, depending on the stiffness values assigned.

6x6 Stiffness Matrix: If the Stiffness Matrix option is chosen, the 6x6 stiffness matrix can be specified. This matrix defines the resistance in three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom:

Tx, Ty, Tz: Translational stiffness values along the X, Y, and Z axes.

Rx, Ry, Rz: Rotational stiffness values about the X, Y, and Z axes.

By adjusting these parameters, the model can simulate varying degrees of support flexibility at the base of the pier column, providing more realistic behavior depending on the structure's design and foundation conditions.

Mesh Size: The mesh size parameter can be utilized to set the maximum distance for a single finite element line.

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Generate Top Hinge [NO/YES]: If this parameter is set to 'YES', pushover-related definitions can be specified for the column. If 'NO' is selected, the parameters related to pushover in this section will be Not Applicable (N/A).

Top Hinge Property: A previously defined hinge property (from Properties > Pushover) can be assigned to the respective section to define the properties of the top hinge.

Top Hinge Length: Specifies the length of the top hinge, determining the region of the column over which the hinge behavior will be applied.

Generate Bottom Hinge [NO/YES]: If this parameter is set to 'YES', pushover-related definitions for the bottom of the column can be specified. If 'NO' is selected, the parameters of this section will be Not Applicable (N/A).

Bottom Hinge Property: A previously defined hinge property (from Properties > Pushover) can be assigned to the respective section to define the properties of the bottom hinge.

Bottom Hinge Length: Specifies the length of the bottom hinge, defining the region of the column where the hinge behavior will apply.


Bottom Surface Area: The surface area of the section assigned to the bottom of the pier column is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Top Surface Area: The surface area of the section assigned to the top of the pier column is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Side Surface Area: The surface area of the sides of the pier column is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Cross Section Perimeter (Min): The minimum cross-section perimeter assigned to the element is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Cross Section Perimeter (Max): The maximum cross-section perimeter assigned to the element is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Volume: The volume of the pier column, based on the definitions provided by the user, is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Weight: Based on the defined geometry and material properties of the element, the weight of the modeled element is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Height: The height of the column is presented to the user in this column.

Cross Section Min Width: The minimum width of the cross-section assigned to the element is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Cross Section Max Width: The maximum width of the cross-section assigned to the element is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Cross Section Min Height: The minimum height of the cross-section assigned to the element is calculated and presented to the user in this column.

Cross Section Max Height: The maximum height of the cross-section assigned to the element is calculated and presented to the user in this column.