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Abutments on OpenBrIM currently have the Generate FEM (Finite Element Model) option set to 'NO'. However, abutments can still be modeled in 3D and 2D with parametric dependencies to closely represent the actual conditions of the bridge.


Location: The location can be defined using the support lines previously created, which can be specified with this parameter.

Front/Back[Front/Back]: This parameter specifies the orientation of the abutment. It can be used to define the directional placement of abutments, ensuring they align correctly with the overall bridge structure.



Bottom Elevation: The elevation of the bottom of the modeled abutment can be specified using this parameter. The elevation data should be defined with respect to the Global Coordinate System, where 0 represents the level of PGL (the vertical elevation data considered). Negative values indicate downward direction, and positive values indicate upward direction.

Longitudinal Offset: The longitudinal offset value specifies the abutment's position relative to the longitudinal (along PGL) direction. A negative value offsets the abutment in the downstation direction, while a positive value offsets it in the upstation direction.

Transverse Offset: This parameter defines the location of the abutment in the transverse direction (perpendicular to PGL). A value of 0 places the abutment at the center of PGL. Negative values offset the abutment to the left (when looking upstation along PGL), while positive values offset it to the right.


The positive direction of the Y-axis will be to the left when looking upstation along the PGL. However, based on the requests of engineers who have been using OpenBrIM for their bridge projects, positive transverse offset values will indicate the right-hand side when looking upstation along the PGL. This distinction should be taken into account when defining the location of bridge elements using transverse offset values (where positive transverse offset indicates the right side), as well as when making definitions related to FEM and loading (where positive Fy indicates the left side along the PGL).

Wing Wall Type [Rectangular/Tapered]: This parameter specifies the type of wing wall. Wing walls in PennDOT Integral Abutment objects can be defined as either rectangular or tapered.

Depth of the Top Side (Tapered Wing Wall )Short Depth: For tapered wing walls, the depth of the top side (in the vertical direction) can be specified using this setting. For a visual representation, refer to the screenshot below.

Length of the Bottom Side (Tapered Wing Wall )Short Length: For tapered wing walls, the length of the bottom side (in the longitudinal direction) can be defined using this parameter. For a visual representation, refer to the screenshot below.

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Height (ReadOnly): The height of the abutment is calculated based on the location of the top side (determined by the position of the PGL) and the specified Bottom Elevation parameter. This value is presented to the user as a read-only parameter, visible in the related cell under this column.


Thickness: The thickness of the abutment wall in the longitudinal direction can be specified using this parameter. For a visual representation, refer to the screenshots below.

Width: The width of the abutment wall can be specified using this parameter along the transverse direction (perpendicular to PGL). For a visual representation, refer to the screenshots below.

Paving Notch Thickness: The thickness of the paving notch, measured in the longitudinal direction, can be specified using this parameter.

Paving Notch Depth: The offset value from the PGL level for the paving notch can be specified using this parameter. A positive value offsets the paving notch downward, while a value of 0 indicates alignment with the PGL level.

Interior Chamfer Width (Transverse): This parameter defines the width of the interior chamfer in the transverse direction. For a visual representation, refer to the screenshots below.

Interior Chamfer Length (Longitudinal): This parameter defines the length of the interior chamfer in the longitudinal direction. For a visual representation, refer to the screenshots below.

Abutment Thickness Along PGL (ReadOnly): Since the thickness of the abutment wall is determined based on the skew angle, the thickness calculated with respect to PGL is presented to the user in the related cell under this column.

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Wing Wall

Wing Wall Type [Rectangular/Tapered]: The shape of the wing walls can be defined as either Rectangular or Tapered, which can be specified using this parameter.

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Pile Cap

Pile Cap Depth: The geometry of the pile cap can be defined using the parameters listed below:

  • Length: Starting from the left when looking upstation along the PGL, the length in the transverse direction for the pile cap can be defined by this parameter to further specify its variation.

  • Depth: This parameter represents the initial depth of the pile cap based on the defined length.

  • Geometry Option [Flat/Sloped]: The depth can either remain constant throughout the defined length or vary as a slope.

  • Depth 1: For sloped sections, a second depth value can be defined for the final point of the specified length.

Pile Cap Material: The material for the pile cap can be assigned using this parameter. Materials can either be imported or selected from those previously defined under Properties > Materials.

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Right Wing Wall

Definitions for wing walls located on the right side (when looking upstation along PGL) can be made using the parameters available under this tab. For detailed explanations of each parameter, refer to the related descriptions.

Length: The length of the left wing wall (when looking upstation along PGL) in the longitudinal direction can be adjusted specified using this parameter.

Left Wing Wall Thickness: The thickness of the left wing wall (when looking upstation along PGL) in the transverse direction can be adjusted using this parameter.Left Wing Wall Angle: The angle of the left wing wall (defined using this parameter.

Angle: To define the rotation of the wing wall, this parameter can be specified. For a visual representation, refer to the screenshots provided below.

Material: A material can be assigned to the wing wall by specifying this parameter. Materials can either be imported or assigned from those previously defined under Properties > Materials.

Has Construction Joint [YES/NO]: This parameter specifies whether the rectangular wing wall has construction joints. If defined, the following parameters can further define the wing wall:

Construction Joint Distance From Bottom: Specifies the depth of the joint starting from the bottom of the wing wall.

Wing Wall Distance From Top: Offsets the top portion of the wing wall when construction joints are defined.

Material Below Construction Joint: Specifies a separate material for the section below the construction joint.

Start Station (ReadOnly): The start station of the wing wall is presented to the user in the related cell under this column with respect to PGL. The smaller station value will be displayed at the start, while the larger station value will appear at the end.

End Station (ReadOnly): The end station of the wing wall is presented to the user in the related cell under this column with respect to PGL. The smaller station value will appear at the start, and the larger station value will be shown at the end.

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Left Wing Wall

Definitions for wing walls located on the left side (when looking upstation along PGL) can be defined made using the parameters available under this tab. For detailed explanations of each parameter, refer to the related descriptions.

Right Wing Wall Length: The length of the right wing wall (when looking upstation along PGL) in the longitudinal direction can be adjusted specified using this parameter.

Right Wing Wall Thickness: The thickness of the right wing wall (when looking upstation along PGL) in the transverse direction can be adjusted defined using this parameter.

Right Wing Wall Angle: The angle of the right wing wall (when looking upstation along PGL) can be defined using this parameter.

Tapered Wing Wall Short Depth: The depth starting from the top section of the tapered wing walls can be defined using this parameter. For a visual representation of this parameter, refer to the screenshot provided below.

Tapered Wing Wall Short Length: The length of the bottom side of the tapered wing wall can be specified using this parameter.

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Closure Pour

Closure Pour To define the rotation of the wing wall, this parameter can be specified. For a visual representation, refer to the screenshots provided above.

Material: A material can be assigned to the wing wall by specifying this parameter. Materials can either be imported or assigned from those previously defined under Properties > Materials.

Has Construction Joint [YES/NO]: This parameter specifies whether the rectangular wing wall has construction joints. If defined, the following parameters can further define the wing wall:

Construction Joint Distance From Bottom: Specifies the depth of the joint starting from the bottom of the wing wall.

Wing Wall Distance From Top: Offsets the top portion of the wing wall when construction joints are defined.

Material Below Construction Joint: Specifies a separate material for the section below the construction joint.

Start Station (ReadOnly): The start station of the wing wall is presented to the user in the related cell under this column with respect to PGL. The smaller station value will be displayed at the start, while the larger station value will appear at the end.

End Station (ReadOnly): The end station of the wing wall is presented to the user in the related cell under this column with respect to PGL. The smaller station value will appear at the start, and the larger station value will be shown at the end.


Closure Pour Length: The length of the closure pour along at the abutment in the longitudinal direction can be specified using this parameter. For a visual representation, refer to the screenshot provided below.

Closure Pour Thickness: The thickness of the closure pour along in the vertical direction can be specified using this parameter. Closure Pour Bottom For a visual representation, refer to the figure below.

Chamfer Width: The width of the chamfer on for the bottom of the closure pour can be adjusted using this parameter. For a visual representation, refer to the figure below.

Closure Pour Bottom Chamfer Depth: The depth of the chamfer on the bottom of the closure pour can be adjusted using this parameter.

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can be adjusted using this parameter. For a visual representation, refer to the figure below.

Diaphragm Material: The material for the diaphragm or closure pour element can be assigned using this parameter. Materials can either be imported or selected from previously defined ones under Properties-Material.

Closure Pour Length Along PGL (ReadOnly): The length of the closure pour along the direction of the PGL is calculated and displayed to the user in the related cell of this column.

Hide Diaphragm [YES/NO]: This parameter can be used to specify whether the diaphragm of the PennDOT abutment is displayed or not.

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