1 | Navigate to Superstructure > Boundary Conditios > Bearing Fixity | ||||||
2 | Select the first cell in the "Insertion Point" column, and then click on the "Pick" button in the resulting window. | ||||||
3 | Choose the insertion points that will define the boundary conditions for the superstructure. For each location, specify the fixities or stiffness values based on the bearing types in the Tx, Ty, and Tz directions. Select the insertion points for each bearing. | ||||||
4 | Set Tx/Ty/Tz/Rx/Ry/Rz as in the figure.
| ||||||
5 | Set Transfer Force to Substructure as Yes for all bearing locations. If you do not model the substructure, such as abutment locations, it is necessary to select "Transfer Substructure" as "No." On the other hand, selecting "Yes" is important when substructures are modeled at bearing locations. | ||||||
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Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Navigate to Bearing Fixity under Boundary Conditions on the tree view. |
Copy Articulation from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM. |
Tip |
Completed Bearing Fixity is illustrated below. |
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Bearing Fixity | |||||
Articulation | |||||