Reference Edge [Top of Web/Bottom of Web]: A reference edge for the offset values listed below can be selected using this parameter. The selected edge directly influences the 3D model and FEM analysis by applying the bracing rigidity to either the top nodes or bottom nodes of the web. Refer to the screenshots below for additional clarification.
Chord - Vert. Offset from Ref. Edge : According to Based on the selected reference edge, a vertical offset value can be determinedspecified to define the bracing location.
Chord - Horz. Offset from Center of Web: A horizontal offset value with respect to the web's center can be defined using this parameter.
Gusset Plate
The parameters listed below are exclusively used for 3D representation. "Gusset Plate" objects defined under the Properties tab can be assigned here. The gusset plates assigned in this section do not have FEM attributes but can be applied as weight loads if relevant definitions are made under the Construction section of the workflow, particularly in Girder/Crossframe Construction using the Stiffener Gusset Plate Load parameter.