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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


CADD drawings are created with the help of the following sub-items.

1) CADDShape:

This object draws is used to draw a polygon.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject1" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDShape" X="-11" Y="3" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="-2" Y="2" />
            <O T="Point" X="-5" Y="-2" />
            <O T="Point" X="4" Y="-2" />
            <O T="Point" X="3" Y="2" />

To view this example in the library, see (


This object draws a rectangleis used to draw a Rectangle.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject2" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O N="Shp1" T="CADDRect" X="-11" Y="10" RZ="0">
            <P N="W" V="5" />
            <P N="H" V="2" />

To view this example in the library, see (

3) CADDLine:

The "CADDLine" object draws a line in a 2D drawing. The line style and thickness can be adjusted using the parameters of "Thickness," "Color," and "LineStyle." The line thickness is set with the "Thickness" parameter, and the color is set with the "Color" parameter.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject3" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD _Objects" T="CADD">
        <O N="Shp1" T="CADDLine" X="0" Y="-10" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="10" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="50" Y="-10" />
Code Block
<O N="CadObject3" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD _Objects" T="CADD">
        <O N="Shp1" T="CADDLine" X="0" Y="-10" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="10" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="50" Y="-10" />
        <O N="Blue1" T="CADDLine" Color="#4286f4">
            <O T="Point" X="10" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="50" Y="0" />
        <O N="Red1" T="CADDLine" Color="red" Thickness="2" LineStyle="[6,3]">
            <O T="Point" X="10" Y="10" />
            <O T="Point" X="50" Y="10" />
        <O N="Orange1" T="CADDLine" Color="orange" Thickness="10" LineStyle="[20,5]">
            <O T="Point" X="10" Y="20" />
            <O T="Point" X="50" Y="20" />
        <O N="Green1" T="CADDLine" Color="#8ff441" Thickness="6" LineStyle="[15,5]">
            <O T="Point" X="10" Y="30" />
            <O T="Point" X="50" Y="30" />
        <O N="Pink1" T="CADDLine" Color="pink" Thickness="4" LineStyle="[100,30,15,30]">
            <O T="Point" X="10" Y="40" />
            <O T="Point" X="50" Y="40" />
        <O N="Purple1" T="CADDLine" Color="Purple" Thickness="2" LineStyle="[15,5,30]">
            <O T="Point" X="10" Y="50" />
            <O T="Point" X="50" Y="50" />

To view this example in the library, see (

4) CADDEllipse:

This object is used to draw a Ellipse.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject4" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDEllipse" X="6.3" Y="21.3" RZ="0">
            <P N="Radius1" V="1.9" />
            <P N="Radius2" V="0.5" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (

5) CADDCircle:

This object is used to draw a Circle.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject5" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDCircle" X="2.7" Y="18.6" RZ="0">
            <P N="Radius" V="1.3" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (

6) CADDArc:

This object is used to draw an Arc.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject6" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDArc" X="8" Y="22.6" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="-1.3" Y="0.8" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.2" Y="1.5" />
            <O T="Point" X="1.1" Y="1.1" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (

7) CADDBezier

This object is used to draw a bezier curve.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject7" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDBezier" X="14.6" Y="26.1" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="-1.5" Y="-0.2" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.2" Y="0.4" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.8" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="-0.5" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (

8) CADDCurve:

This object is used to draw curves.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject8" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDCurve" X="17.464067662693637" Y="28.26808156150774" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="-1.3646626831661877" Y="-0.4585708611449171" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.6326067903746093" Y="0.41160878500356546" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.06629940161131387" Y="-0.3618842337950845" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.7348183678587148" Y="0.5773572890318484" />
            <O T="Point" X="1.3287505072933925" Y="-0.1685109790954229" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (

9) CADDFreeline:

This object is used to draw free hand line.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject9" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDFreeline" X="17.676381101625957" Y="30.143253822442194" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="-0.5096325613272583" Y="-0.029537330794706662" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.4460136950001825" Y="-0.061346763958244566" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.4062519035457619" Y="-0.08520383883089622" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.36649011209133775" Y="-0.08520383883089622" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.3187759623460309" Y="-0.08520383883089622" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.27901417089160674" Y="-0.09315619712178247" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.23130002114629988" Y="-0.09315619712178247" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.18358587140099303" Y="-0.09315619712178247" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.12791936336480347" Y="-0.09315619712178247" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.08815757191037932" Y="-0.08520383883089622" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.04044342216507246" Y="-0.06929912224912727" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.023175444162003345" Y="-0.045442047376475614" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.0708895939073102" Y="-0.02158497250382041" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.08679431048907915" Y="0.018176818950600193" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.0947466687799654" Y="0.06589096869590705" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.08679431048907915" Y="0.1056527601503312" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.04703251903465855" Y="0.1374621933138691" />
            <O T="Point" X="0.007270727580234393" Y="0.1454145516047518" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.04044342216507246" Y="0.1454145516047518" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.08020521361949307" Y="0.12950983502298286" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.08815757191037932" Y="0.08974804356856225" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.08815757191037932" Y="0.034081535532369145" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.07225285532861037" Y="-0.01363261421293771" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (

10) CADDText

This object allows to put text on the CADD drawing. Just like the "Text3D" object || Expressions written in the expression show the results.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject10" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDLine" X="0" Y="0" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="-1" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="2" Y="-1" />
            <O T="Point" X="5" Y="0" />
        <O T="CADDText" X="3.5" Y="0.1" RZ="0">
            <P N="W" V="5" />
            <P N="H" V="1" />
            <P N="Size" V="0.5" />
            <P N="Text" V="2D Line" T="Text" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (

11) CADDDimensionLine:

CADDDimensionLine object provides dimension of a length measured in a 2D drawing.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject11" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDRect" X="0" Y="0" RZ="0">
            <P N="W" V="4" />
            <P N="H" V="6" />
        <O T="CADDDimensionLine" X="0" Y="H/2" RZ="0">
            <O T="Point" X="-W/2" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="W/2" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="H/3" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (

12) CADDDimensionRadius:

CADDDimensionRadius object provides dimension of a radius of a circle measured in a 2D drawing.


Code Block
<O N="CadObject12" T="Project" Category="CAD Object" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 03.02.2023 -->
    <O N="CADD_Objects" T="CADD">
        <O T="CADDCircle" X="0" Y="0" RZ="0">
            <P N="Radius" V="4" />
        <O T="CADDDimensionRadius" X="5" Y="-1.6" RZ="0">
            <P N="Radius" V="4.000" T="Text" />
            <O T="Point" X="-1.2" Y="0.4" />
            <O T="Point" X="-0.4" Y="-0.2" />
Image Added

To view this example in the library, see (