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Footing assignment is made from this section.

Footing template must be imported befor footing assignment. Importing footing template is described in Footing Templates under this section.

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Footings başlığı altında bulunan, kullanıcı tarafından kullanılacak olan, Template’ler import edildikten sonra


Figure 1

Click “Select Footing” button as shown in Figure 1 and select column/columns then press “enter” to assign footing. Parameters illustrated in Figure 2 can be edited later.

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Figure 1’de görülen Select Footing butonuna tıklandığında daha önceden Stories içinde çizilmiş olan kolon seçilir ve “enter“ tuşuna basılır.

Daha sonra Şekil-2’de görüldüğü gibi girilen değerler güncellenebilir.


This section includes the footing assignment to columns or shear walls.

You can import the footing templates from the AEC|BOLT BIM Cloud Library database, or assign custom footings to columns or shear walls.
(How to import a footing template is explained in the Footing Templates page and how to create a custom footing template is described in Custom Footings page.)


→ Click the “Add Footing” button (Figure 1) and select column(s) then press “enter” (Figure 2).


Figure 2

→ Select the footing template for each footing in the spreadsheet (Figure 3).


Figure 3

Assigned footings are automatically drawn under the selected columns (Figure 4).


Figure 4