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panelIconId | atlassian-info |
panelIcon | :info: |
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Follow the below steps to create the alignment where the bridge will be located. |
Go to Bridge Geometry > Roadway Alignment
After clicking on 'Bridge Geometry> Roadway Alignment' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Roadway Alignment You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter. |
1 | 🖱️ Enter Start Station as 0. |
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2 | 🖱️ Click the three-dots icon on the Start Station cell, and |
Click then click 'Editor' to define alignment properties. |
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name | AlignmentHorizontal |
nopanel | true |
4 | 🖱️ Click + icon next to the Horizontal and add a circular segment. | Image Modified |
5 | 🖱️ Enter Length as 530 ft, Radius as 700 ft, |
and You can edit the Vertical data such as grades and elevations of alignment in the Vertical tab. Direction as Towards Right and after click accept button. | Image Modified |
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Expand |
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name | AlignmentVertical |
nopanel | true |
7 | 🖱️ In this example, vertical data of alignment is set to 0. | Image Modified |
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8 | Insert excerpt |
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name | AlignmentTransverse |
nopanel | true |
9 | 🖱️ Click + icon next to the Transverse to define the alignment cross-section at a specific station. | Image Modified |
810 | 🖱️ Enter the cross-section Station as 0 ft. |
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911 | 🖱️ Enter the Left Edge to PGL distance as 20 ft |
. This distance is the length from the left edge to the centerline of the alignment1012 | 🖱️ Click + icon next to the At Sta+0 and add a section component. | Image Added |
13 | 🖱️ Enter the Width as 40 ft and Slope as %-5. | Image Added |
Image Removed | 11 | 14 | 🖱️ Repeat Steps 9-10-11 for Station 530 ft. Then click + icon next to the At Sta 5+30 and single line of a polyline that defines your entire cross slope. | Image Added |
15 | 🖱️ Enter the Width as 40 ft and Slope as %-5. |
Image Removed12 | 🖱️ Click Accept. | Image Modified |
13 Expand |
title | Quick Tip: Roadway Surface |
| If 3D Bridge Alignment doesn’t show up in the Graphics Window, either click Zoom Extends on the right or Show Roadway Surface from the Settings. Image Removed Image Removed |
| Tip |
Completed bridge alignment is illustrated below. |
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name | ShowRoadwaySurface |
nopanel | true |
18 | When the steps are completed, the shared screenshot displayed in the adjacent cell should be visible in the 3D view of OpenBrIM. | Image Added |
Tip |
The completed alignment is illustrated below. Please verify that you have the same model on your end by examining each view provided here. For more information on how to perform visual checks, refer to the quick tips. |
Insert excerpt |
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name | ModelButton |
nopanel | true |
Tip |
To view the entire procedure explained on this page, please watch the recorded Video below. |
SIG roadway alignment.mp4