Longitudinal Offset: The offset value for the approach slab in the longitudinal direction can be specified using this parameter. Approach slabs will be generated at the location where the chosen abutment's abutment wall starts. A negative value will indicate offsetting the approach slab in the downstation direction, while a positive value will offset the approach slab in the upstation direction.
Material: A material can be assigned to the approach slab from either previously defined options under Properties-Materials or imported as needed.
Length: The length of the approach slab in the longitudinal direction can be specified using this parameter. For a visual representation, refer to the figure provided below.
Width: The width of the approach slab in the transverse direction can be specified using this parameter. For a visual representation, refer to the figure provided below.
Second Width: This parameter specifies the width in the transverse direction for the portion of the approach slab that extends beyond the wing wall length.
Thickness: The thickness of the approach slab can be defined using this parameter.For a visual representation, refer to the figure provided below.
Volume: Based on the definitions provided by the user, the volume of the object is calculated and presented in this column.