Girder: Specify the type of girder to be used in the report.
Noncomposite Result Cases: This parameter can be used to define the noncomposite result cases. Stress values will be calculated based on the noncomposite section and its properties, with extracted results, and the forces to be specified by the chosen result cases.
Long-Term Composite Result Cases: This parameter can be used to specify the long-term composite result cases. For composite sections (which will mean the combined steel and concrete deck section in this case), the stress values will be calculated based on the long-term composite section's inertia and long-term composite section with reinforcement’s moment of inertia. These results, along with the forces to be specified by the chosen result cases, will be presented in the stress table.
Short-Term Composite Result Cases: This parameter can be used to define the short-term composite result cases. Stress values will be presented to the user based on the section's short-term properties, or in other words, using the short-term composite section with reinforcement’s moment of inertia, and the short-term composite section's moment of inertia will be taken into account for stress calculations, with forces to be specified by the chosen result cases.
Deck Reinforcement
Input Data Preference [Override Deck Rebar/Use Deck Rebar]: For deck rebar to be used in girder code checks, users are provided with two options. The code checks can either be conducted using the modeled deck rebar or with new rebar definitions.
Show Computation Details [Yes/No]: This parameter allows users to specify whether to display computation details.
Info |
Steel I-Girder Stress Summary Report Includes:
2.Stress results for specified cases, including:
These results are presented for the stations specified under the Settings tab. |