Soil Spring Type[Linear Spring/ Nonlinear Spring / Nonlinear Spring from the Soil Set]: This property allows the user to define the types of springs that are desired to be employed between the soil and the pile. For more details please refer to the Soil Structure Interaction page.
Offset from the bottom of the footing/bent: The offset from the bottom of the footing or bent parameter is used to determine the location of springs representing soil properties. For each row, the total distance to the top position should be entered. A node will be introduced at each location, and this length can also serve as a means to modify the pile's mesh.
Tx[Fixed/Free/Stiffness Value]: Translational stiffness along the longitudinal direction of the alignment. A nonzero or fixed value is generally employed to represent lateral soil resistance.
Ty[Fixed/Free/Stiffness Value]: Translational stiffness along the transverse direction of the alignment. A nonzero or fixed value is generally employed to represent lateral soil resistance.
Tz[Fixed/Free/Stiffness Value]: Translational vertical stiffness is employed to define axial soil resistance. A nonzero stiffness value or fixed is commonly applied at the bottom of the pile to represent the soil's tip resistance. If the user wishes to disregard soil side friction, a free condition can be applied at other locations; alternatively, if side friction should be considered, a nonzero stiffness value can be used.
Rx[Fixed/Free/Stiffness Value]: Rotational torsional stiffness is employed to define torsional soil resistance.
Ry[Fixed/Free/Stiffness Value]: Usually set to free, but users may input small values to address stability concerns in finite element analysis
Rz[Fixed/Free/Stiffness Value]: Usually set to free, but users may input small values to address stability concerns in finite element analysis
Soil Springs (Nonlinear): If the Soil Spring Type is selected as Nonlinear Spring, this tab should be activated. This input allows the user to define custom nonlinear P-Y, T-Z, Q-Z and T-θ Curves. These curves must be defined in the Soil Spring (Nonlinear) tab and set to the pile. For more information, please refer to the Soil Spring (Nonlinear) page.
Offset from the bottom of the footing/bent: The offset from the bottom of the footing or bent parameter is used to determine the location of springs representing soil properties. For each row, the total distance to the top position should be entered. A node will be introduced at each location, and this length can also serve as a means to modify the pile's mesh.
Fixity[Free,Spring]: If this option is selected as Free, a free node will be introduced at the specified location. However, if the Fixity is set to Spring, a node will be created that utilizes the spring properties that must be assigned under Soil Spring Custom (Nonlinear) tab.
Soil Spring Custom (Nonlinear): Specify the Soil Spring with custom nonlinear P-Y, T-Z, Q-Z, and T-θ Curves.
If the Soil Spring Type is selected as Nonlinear Spring from the Soil Set, OpenBrIM library will assign the appropriate spring properties to the pile. To generate these springs, following inputs are necessary, Section Type, Soil Springs from the Soil Set (Nonlinear),and Mesh Size.